Ordinary Fit
Fit In From birth, we try diligently to fit in. It's part of the programming. You notice what is acceptable by seeing everyone around you who fits in. We conform…
Fit In From birth, we try diligently to fit in. It's part of the programming. You notice what is acceptable by seeing everyone around you who fits in. We conform…
Restart your life Lives can be built around accomplishments, careers, sports or relationships. Time can be spent building credibility and learning to advance on the goals road. If there are…
Limiting your What on Earth Life tends to sail along fairly well in early adulthood. The focus is on getting established, starting jobs, figuring out relationships and dealing with how…
Resign to re-sign If you have a difficult time saying goodbye or tend to linger in the doorway looking back at the room you are about to leave, you are…
Here is a Real Place It is super difficult to stay physically in the same place as your mind. My brain is a constant traveler to the past to check…
Easy to be Grateful The benefits of being grateful seem to be on par with exercising and eating correctly. The most basically good-for-you tasks have the best results. They belong…
Burnout sounds like Destruction Late pandemic jargon includes the word burnout frequently. Burning anything except marshmallows is not good and even my marshmallow only needs a little singe. Burnout occurs…
Happiness is Possible Happiness must have a lot of publicity managers. Happiness has been marketed as available after reaching some specific level and the benchmark is different for everyone. But…