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NEXT Absolute

I’m not sure

Crystal Clear

Instructions should be clearly written to provide maximum understanding. The first instruction should be an overall statement to get you to get on board with whatever you are doing. This is often skipped and when your eyes skim the one by one completion list, you can probably make some quick opinions on what is already wrong with the expected operation. But if your set purpose is clear, you might buy in with the intention to reach success. You might have to stretch your own limits. Challenges come up. If you feel light enough about celebrating new insights, you can move forward but if you are attached to more rigid thinking, you get to blame any difficulties elsewhere.

Not just Love

Love is important in life. But it may not be the most important thing. That is controversial for many. But if you can think of relationships as only based on love, you can sense how they can and do fall apart. If you can accept the fact that being your authentic self is going to determine your ultimate joy in life, you will move to a better understanding of how to reach the life payoff level. Your closure ritual should never be too far from your decision making. Your life success review comes at the end. It also makes every single day better. If you knew right now that you needed to work off of a model that you were not aware of, you would move with less satisfaction. Transitioning to this new concept means that you understand what place love has but you also know that it is not all-consuming.

New Instructions

Let’s make these crystal clear. Start with how you feel about yourself. This takes time but you have lots of time to think about this if you give up 15 minutes of social media use per day and apply that time on you time. There are decisions that must be made. It is likely that you will need to make money. This may also be your purpose from time to time but might not be all the time. Your environment should not be ignored. You must still care for yourself and those in your circle. If you can replace your purpose question with an inquiry on how you can serve yourself and others, you may stumble over better ideas about what you are supposed to be doing when you wake up every day for a while. Be aware, purpose changes by the minute sometimes. Some days, I need to invest my precious time in a way that I never intended until I woke up. Rigidity is great for wood but doesn’t work for humans.

Change your thought and your mind

You must be you. Only you. This is the hardest act for humans until it is not. The suddenness with which this belief changes can frighten you. It is as if the proverbial lightning strike really does occur. But it is based on a love decision. This decision is to love and be loved by you. This ground rule is to be the most authentic you as much as possible. Obviously, this includes knowing when to use this fact to your advantage. But the relationships in your life will profit continuously when they are built on truth. Don’t confuse this with being meanly abrupt. This is compassionate knowledge. This is the highest understanding of who you are and how you can impact those lucky enough to be in your sphere of influence. Your impact will gradually allow them to be more authentic. To love cleanly. Imagine what you can do with your life when you know who you really are.

Authenticity is often prized with valuable objects. Use that as the basis with living your most authentic life.


Nancy Pyle is a Master Practitioner in NLP and a Master Certified Strategic Life Coach