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Relief won’t really help

Being human brings with it lots of aches along the way. Some are annoyingly small like papercuts and others are biggies like broken bones. They are usually surprises because we don’t often intentionally set ourselves up for anything that will make us cry. At these times we like to look for a remedy as soon as possible whether it is a band-aid or some authentic stop the pain medicine. Humans are unable to feel the tolerance for anyone else’s ability to live with pain. But we know our own level or learn it when the opportunity presents itself. Heartache is an especially weird type of distress because pointing to your heart and stating ouch seems childlike. Adults have been running away from their childhoods for years. But pain in all its forms ends up becoming a part of you after the initial experience. That might take some time, but it will settle in the bones. It can even recreate itself long after it passes with the right circumstances. The recipe is unknown. That leads to the belief that there must be a reason for this shared phenomenon. There must be a reason for pain in the first place. Even the possibility of some deep life lesson attached. Sadly, that usually stays a mystery until you dare to really feel into the damage it caused. Think about it. If you can remember what occurred right before and after your last bout of pain, that might be a great place to look for what you can learn.

Emergency Room

Option #1: Do you repeat instances that cause pain?

Option #2: Is your life a before or after commercial?

Option #3: Can you ask for treatment?

That’s it. After you choose the option that best describes living with pain, take a few minutes to describe why you chose that option and what action, if any, may come next.


Nancy Pyle is a Master Practitioner in NLP and a Master Certified Strategic Life Coach