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NEXT Anticipation

Anticipation Control

Waiting has a poor reputation. It can be tedious and can even stunt the interest in a goal that is far away. It often comes down to the event in question. If the anticipation includes waiting for something that could be unpleasant, the thoughts that build up while waiting may be negative or spiral down. If the anticipation precedes something pleasant, the thoughts are positive and spiral up. Base camp doesn’t exist.

Ups and Downs

Either way, the time spent in anticipation and the thoughts created affect the feelings we have about the event. The time spent planning a big event, like a wedding, can be a roller coaster of emotion. Students waiting to start a new school or a new class can have mixed feelings. The days just before starting a new job drag on while you wait to get through orientation and training to get that first paycheck. During that waiting time, there are good thoughts as well as stressful ones.

Possibilities are Possible

When an event has more hopeful feelings attached, the feeling that is created by the thoughts attached to it elevate it and it is easier to see the good aspects. The stressful thoughts tend to be balanced by the happier ones and provide a good reason to keep looking forward. There is hope attached and if there is enough, the good attached to the thought builds. The good thoughts bring more to join the party. Eventually, they are more prevalent and help to buoy feelings until the actual start. Think of the minutes waiting for freshly baked cookies to come out of the oven. Delicious anticipation.

Pleasant Anticipation

Focusing on the pleasant aspects of anything helps to remove the clouds. Anticipating the pleasant may result in surprising thoughts. Better thoughts. It’s easy to have great thoughts about a planned vacation and not focus on the cost associated with it if it has benefits attached to it. The anticipation can even be as pleasant as the actual event since we can imagine all sorts of greatness happening. Since it hasn’t happened yet, it can exceed your expectations. Anticipating all the goodness can even help with the planning. Anticipating is like good day-dreaming when used correctly.

Are you looking forward to anything? Can you create and enjoy the anticipatory moments that come before plans? How can you influence your own future through the thoughts you have now?


Nancy Pyle is a Master Practitioner in NLP and a Master Certified Strategic Life Coach