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NEXT Attachment

Attach to your Inner Self

In coaching, there is a lot of emphasis on learning how to control thoughts. Our thoughts create our emotions that result in actions that may or may not be good for us. This is all inside work. Learning the language of your mind leads to listening to your heart and your intuition. We all have gut feelings. Sometimes we meet someone and know that our energies don’t merge well. We don’t know exactly why, but we know. That comes from listening to that inner voice and not dismissing it because you think it is better to be able to work with everyone. That is not true even though the people-pleasers have adopted it as their mantra. It is a great big cover-up.

Senseless Attachment

When the world is upside down, it is easy to be confused and jump to judgementitis. In an effort to make sense, blame is thrown around like glitter and separation occurs. It is not easy to always adopt nonjudgement, but it can be a practice that increases compassion. When you can be more aware of holding back initial feelings and leaving space for the little voice of intuition, you may hear it whisper. It may guide you to neutrality so you can see more clearly. Your intuition wants you to be safe and have freedom. It does not constrict and tries to sound reasonable. It is extremely likable in conversation. And it is intricately connected to your heart.

Sense of Self

It is easy to get caught up in the outer world. When bombarded with distressful events and difficult decisions, our wiring gets hot and doesn’t perform at its best. At the same time, the crisis is alerting you to the possibility that something requires attention right away. Something important. Solving challenges leads to reconnection of the heart and mind. Calm takes over. The new plan begins. But to get there, you must release attachment to the thoughts that started the process. There is a time in that process when you may feel untethered. It feels unsteady, like trying to roller skate as an adult.

Detach to Reattach

Sometimes it is best just to let go. In doing so, you are free to latch onto anything else. The freedom provides the opportunity. When you don’t know what to grab, it helps to look around for someone safe to help you. Turning your attention to another moves your viewpoint and allows you to stabilize where they are. If you end up being of service, even better. You will gain some experience and the feeling of joy that assisting someone else provides. When you return to your own situation, you will find yourself changed. Sometimes using others isn’t a bad thing. Attachments are a wonderful way to connect to each other.

Can you turn off your judgement switch for a day? Who can you attach to easily? Do you let others feel attached to you?


Nancy Pyle is a Master Practitioner in NLP and a Master Certified Strategic Life Coach