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NEXT Awesome

Awe shouldn’t shock

I can see you

Let’s get under our own skin. The exterior world you exhibit is a creation of your thoughts. But only you really know what is underneath. You may be sealing away dreams, desires or random thoughts that might stir up a little something if you let them out for air. But you really, really want this to happen. Take my word for it. Your reality show is a million times better than any script writer’s musings. There is a formula to this. Uncovering and stirring up the lower layer makes you realize the less positive aspects of you. These dormant doubts or frustrations or confusions or beliefs or whatever monster face they appear to be are taking up much needed space for more important emotions. They are weak and once exposed can crumble away and shrivel like the wicked witch’s skinny legs. Like most demons, they don’t like the light.

Just Try

You already know what happens when you don’t do something. You stay stuck exactly where you are. Congrats. Any skill you want to improve takes practice. Consider that word. Doctors use it. Musicians use it. Athletes use it. It is an ongoing process. That means that only you can judge how you are doing. But first, don’t be afraid to win at life. Your life. Folks who give up on one dream, get to go for another. There is no shortage. If you want to reach a level to see what it is like, play your life like a video game. Level up.

Next step

Stop complaining. This one habit completely adjusts your life. It changes your focus immediately. Granted, it is difficult to do, but entirely worth it. And you get to laugh at yourself when you flub. Don’t hang around complainers either. Take a pair of those fancy earphones and listen to something uplifting. Misery loves company but the complaints tend to escalate their concerns to outdo each other. It’s a losing battle to the basement. Walking away is an exercise in your arsenal of creating your own awesomeness. Just rinse and repeat. While you are stepping onto that new path, create those new dreams, desires and ideas and give them each a first step. This is the way to be that sparkling person that finally is a better reflection of the real you. Don’t dilute yourself either. You will hear your thoughts now state that you had no idea you could be like this. But here you are. Just like that.

Hidden Gifts

Nobody tells you this part. There are byproducts to being awesome. Giving you the gift of time to be the best you raises every part of your life. It also changes others around you. Imagine a world where you know that you can do anything. It does exist. Look behind door number three. That average being you were in the past will be happy that you decided to leap. Now think way into the future. Imagine how much better your entire life will be when you look back to realize that you didn’t settle. You put yourself on the line. If you are looking for more truth than my words just make a liar out of me. Remove the worn-out misbeliefs, create the new awesome ones, take a few steps and see for yourself. Living is really believing.

Don’t think too hard about it. Attach the word awesome to everything you do starting now. Gradually, things will change.


Nancy Pyle is a Master Practitioner in NLP and a Master Certified Strategic Life Coach