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NEXT Body Talk

Use the Right Chalk

When I was in seventh grade, the girls and the boys were separated after lunch recess into two different classrooms. On the chalkboard in the girls’ classroom, our teacher had made giant drawings of the male and female reproductive systems using pink chalk. The pictures literally took up the entire board and were so frighteningly non-anatomically correct that at least one student ran out of the class to go to the nurse’s office.

Hidden Body Talk

Understanding how our bodies help us hide is deep coaching work. The discussions have to get past the point of what words to use, formal or slang, before they even get to the good stuff. They start out with textbook language and gradually evolve into the everyday words we need to know how to say out loud without being accused of cursing. It’s a process. Wise parents teach their children the correct words for each body part but every kid will eventually hear the others and come home singing them on the night you invited the pastor over for dinner.

Fearless Body Parts

Somehow, we have to get to the point where we acknowledge the part our unconscious thoughts about our bodies play in creating boundaries to success. This involves bravery. Many of us don’t even realize how long we have secretly blamed how we perceive we look on holding us back. We use it as a hidden crutch when plans don’t go right, projects aren’t accepted and self-care remains selfishly incomplete. We fail to acknowledge the dilemma in which we find ourselves. The unconscious shame we feel toward our physical body gets buried. According to many magazine articles, we are supposed to love ourselves.

A Body Conscious Battle

Reality is often the best weapon when the facts are known. The truth isn’t hard to take if it is just a thought. When we stop attaching unexamined feelings to thoughts, we can neutrally bridge to acceptance. Acceptance will raise the chances of moving forward without obstacles. Living without obstacles is amazing.

Examine your real thoughts on the place your body plays in your life. Are you blaming your physical being unconsciously? Can you learn to see ahead to a place where what you look like doesn’t have a bearing on your success?


Nancy Pyle is a Master Practitioner in NLP and a Master Certified Strategic Life Coach