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NEXT Circle

Life is just a circle

No doubt about it, circles are super pleasing. No discernable start or end, they seem to just exist and go on and on. They can be squishy and still bounce back to that symmetrical loveliness. We gravitate toward standing in them as groups, are mesmerized by them when driving and doodle them into little characters when bored. They are all around us.

Getting back into the circle

Life seems to have chapters designed to help us learn or perform or coast or slow down. We ride through each of these phases of our own planet. When we get off course or wobble off of center, we feel a pull to head back to the comfort of the ring. We steady ourselves and reconnect. The comfort of the circle lets us breathe and take stock.

Going full Circle

When we travel full circle, it’s time to start over. It’s a great place to stop and reassess. The gentle rest allows us to not only acknowledge the achievements completed but prepares us for the next trip. The place may seem familiar but the travel has provided us with increased abilities to handle upcoming challenges.

Start the trip

Heading into a new chapter creates thoughts about fear. Luckily, fear makes courage show up. Courage was created when the last challenges were underway and makes the next circular slide easier. When the journey begins, the familiar feeling is joined by the reminder that you walked that path before successfully and ended up getting to start a new one. Keep doodling those circles, they are planting ideas that will form as you traverse your next quadrant. And they are fun.

Look at your doodles; what do you think they mean to you? Where have you traveled back to start over again? Were you more successful the second or third trip?


Nancy Pyle is a Master Practitioner in NLP and a Master Certified Strategic Life Coach