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NEXT Community

Community light

Commune living brings to thought old hippies dressed in multi-colored robes dancing about without a care in the world. It’s a little too carefree to be practical for most of us. But living in community seems like a good first cousin. Your intentional community isn’t part of a planned community of fancy homes meant for specific demographics. Your plan includes a wide variety of people and activities. And designing your own plan means you include things you want and need as well as challenges to keep your creative side involved.

Combating loneliness

Your community improves your health – mentally, socially and spiritually. It can be changed over time to include new members, new interests and new thoughts. As loneliness creeps into more aspects of our lives, your community can thwart the negative affects. Your involvement means that someone else may not feel the far-reaching consequences of being alone too much. What is good for you is good for many. How neighborly.

Created Community

Start with the most obvious sources for building. The circle of family and friends that you hold most dear, want to talk to most frequently and can be counted on to hold a good discussion get to be included first. Creating your community eventually will overlap into their circles to allow for others easily compatible. But don’t rule out the challengers. Those who fairly challenge us make us better. Send out the invites, start with a conversation and gather ideas. Don’t dismiss any thoughts at the collection. Open your community to be a place where thoughts are examined before being deleted.

Communities take guts

The asking is the hardest part. Be brave and invite others in. Don’t think thoughts if they don’t want to accept. Think about how to take the first responders and build. Maintain an air of curiosity about who wants to be a part. New friends are very hard to cultivate in this world. But those who are interested may be wanting to create a cool collective and just didn’t have the nerve to start it. Be gutsy. And don’t forget to send me an invite.

Are you willing to take a chance to improve your life? Dip a toe in the water by joining a safe book club while you make your big plan to start your community. Can you put yourself out there enough to create a lifetime of companions?


Nancy Pyle is a Master Practitioner in NLP and a Master Certified Strategic Life Coach