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NEXT Creation

Creatively Challenged

You know who they are. You might even be one of them. The creative humans. The rest of us are still wondering why we topped out at stick figures, our treasured works were all finger-painted or we sink into the sofa when asked to play a piano. Our creative abilities didn’t improve and never developed with practice. There was plenty of evidence that we were going to be the folks who admired those who could create. It feels like being cheated because the talents weren’t evenly distributed. I would probably be happy if whatever I drew could actually be correctly identified. Not asking much.

Creative Misunderstanding

If I unpack the unfair creativity abilities of those in my circle, I realize that I may need to rethink my feelings of how talent is scattered. I will look past what I am actually better at for a moment since that is not the issue. It’s the lack that creates the issue. It’s not the inherent talent difference. So, that means I just have to create another thought on how to see where I am missing the opportunity to be as amazing as possible within my power. Maybe creating a gorgeous spreadsheet isn’t universal. Perhaps being able to organize a chaotic rush of orders at a charity booth would give someone else pause. I can even recall many meetings taking everyone’s thoughts and summarizing how they would work together to solve the issue of the day. Creativity doesn’t always scream for primary colors.

Burn Creatively

There is a fascination mid-pandemic to tag our feelings of boredom as burn-out. They might be. Or maybe they are just trying to get our attention to remind us that it is time to rethink with some creativity. The brain never supplies all the answers. Just lots of questions. If you find yourself stuck, follow your inner-child wisdom. Do something differently. Remember all those tricks you did on your bike when you got tired of riding in a circle? If you are wearing the same outfit because it is your go-to comfort combination, close your eyes and pick out something new to wear. If it is storming outside, take advantage of all those beautiful streaks of rain and daydream about dancing through the puddles. Then put on those fancy boots of yours and go out and accidently on-purpose step in them.

Quietly Creative

Once you have challenged your own mind to change the way it thinks about your ingenuity, you will see little pockets of life that need your touch. Being original is a privilege that is all of ours. It’s the part of us that likes to belt out show tunes in the shower. It’s that little slant only you know is right when you put on your favorite hat. And it is any other little aspect that needs your signature vision. So, go for it. Today. The world needs more of all of us, the minor-creatives.

Can you change your own mind on your abilities? Is it unselfish to give more of ourselves? How can you expand the conventional theory of what is creative?


Nancy Pyle is a Master Practitioner in NLP and a Master Certified Strategic Life Coach