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Ordinary Critique

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Most humans would rather critique someone else than complete a mirror review. Others will notice those little errors you didn’t mean to make and blow them out of proportion. My own review is never so devastating that a rationalization won’t wipe some of the sting away. Like therapy, it takes someone else to ask those pointed questions that require some introspection beyond the seventh layer of skin. Even when disguising myself as a third person and trying my best to watch my own behavior, I make giant mistakes. Recently, my lack of intellectual humility slapped me while attempting to give my opinion to a group of folks who really didn’t have a clue what they were talking about because they had never done the task. Perfectly sane rationalization according to my brain. I felt a little insulted also since no prior questions were asked about the process involved. We should remove that edict that all managers know what they are talking about all the time. Everyone on the call knew who was faking it. But there is no one who will benefit more from self-criticism than myself. If I can allow myself to pick out all my devilish traits, that doesn’t leave much for anyone else to bother with. It might even allow me to really lean into eliminating those concerns before anyone else has to figure out how to gently say something to me. Humans are awfully good at determining how to beat around the bush and then say something just before exploding. Pointing out my own issues probably won’t even require a band-aid.

What does this really mean to me?

Option #1: Do you think everyone has a soft spot?

Option #2: Can you determine what kind of criticism you would be good at?

Option #3: What can you do to increase your method of review?

That’s it. After you choose the option that best describes how to be a better critic, take a few minutes to describe why you chose that option and what action, if any, may come next.


Nancy Pyle is a Master Practitioner in NLP and a Master Certified Strategic Life Coach