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NEXT Daily Grind

Don’t lean in

Coffee Beans are delicious when ground

Maybe things don’t have to be difficult. This concept is wrapped up in belief. Not just what to believe but how to believe also. Let’s consider how to accomplish this. It doesn’t even take a village. Just one human at a time. Just one thought at a time. Just one belief at a time. Just one. The daily stuff has a bad rap and that affects routine. Daily implies boring, mundane and not so special. But it doesn’t have to be true. Think about it. If more of life was just a little bit more elevated in our own estimations, the grind would wear down. But maybe the grind can also update its meaning. If we decided that putting a little oomph into life wasn’t a bad thing, that would provide an assist. The grind can mean diligence. The grind can mean endurance. The grind doesn’t have to be painful. But a little pain really helps to bring attention also. And that moment after the pain ends brings a new realization that there has been a slight shift. A learning. Something delicious.


Option #1: What is your grind?

Option #2: How can you change your belief on grinding?

Option #3: Is there any reason to grind more or less?

That’s it. After you choose the option that best describes grinding through life, take a few minutes to describe why you chose that option and what action, if any, may come next.


Nancy Pyle is a Master Practitioner in NLP and a Master Certified Strategic Life Coach

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