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Seasonal Decor

There are a few times in the calendar year that encourage different decorations. It is fun to have a chance to change the way our personal spaces look. It wakes up the decorator in us and brings attention to different areas. The decor of our environments often provides clues on our taste and need for newness. Humans do yearn for celebration. You can see this particular interest on the faces of humans at the home improvement stores. There are whole themes to choose from that makes it more difficult to be absolutely sure that the correct choices are being made. There are numerous magazines and books to provide ideas and motivation. If you venture upon the human who is comfortable with being creative, the seasons bring out the inner artist.

Fake Decor

Decorating provides a chance to create a fairy tale scenario. Decorating involves the building of an artifice that uncovers the veil of an inner human. It may seem strange that humans provide information about themselves through their way of decorating. This is the ultimate chance to be unique in advertising the family brand. Or it can be the easiest way to fit in. They are both common ways to show off. Those who are comfortable not fitting in like to demonstrate that rebellious inner self. It should be appreciated as the fact that it is not required to show off your life in a way that it is supposed to be.

Non-Seasonal Decor

There is a whole group of humans who don’t engage in seasonal decor. It is very interesting to observe this lack of need to throw in with the rest of the merriment. But it doesn’t mean that they don’t enjoy or feel spirited. But even limited engagement is judged. It is interesting to observe what the perception is when life doesn’t seem to need decorating. Humans should have the right to find their own place in the world. Feeling free enough to just be yourself is a great gift. It is more difficult to know what the decoration means rather than what to hang on the front door.

Natural Decor

Nature provides a lot of inspiration in decor. The seasonal elements of nature are fascinating to watch. It does take the practice of pausing to notice. It is easy to see nature at its spectacular peaks. It is also important to see how nature maintains beauty on a daily basis. Clouds may be different every day, but they are never not interesting. If you can make it a practice to just take a look at the clouds regularly, you will appreciate their ability to shape-shift. On the ground, the easier items to notice are the firsts. The initial flowers and plants that poke their heads up in spring remind humans of the continuing gift of starting over. The number of colors in tree leaves in summer and fall reminds us that beauty has its own course of time. The stark beauty of tree limbs and contrast of bark holds its own against the scarcity of color. Nature presents its own sense of decor that is hard to beat. Regardless of our interest in decorating our spaces, Mother Nature keeps on showing off her creation.

What is your daily decor saying about you? How do you decorate for holidays? What is your favorite season?


Nancy Pyle is a Master Practitioner in NLP and a Master Certified Strategic Life Coach