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NEXT Demons

Moving downward

If you are miserable

You know the song. You clapped to the song. You sang it even if you didn’t feel any truth to it. If you are happy and you know it, clap your hands. Sure, hands clapped. But were you happy? Life is not just a constant sing-along. There are peaks and valleys. Highs and lows. Good days and not so good days. But they can all be appreciated. In fact, it is better to appreciate the bad days for what they really are. They are your best indicator to know when to really clap with happiness. They can be the motivators to take action. If a day starts out with an internal thunderstorm, that rain is going to eventually make you grow. If you remember back to the truth of thinking counterintuitively, you get what I mean. Sit in the dark every now and then. It can quiet your mind when there is less to look at. It can help you hear your heartbeat.


There are typical things that humans fear. Death and taxes. Maybe death is the ultimate tax on life. Snakes and bears seem scary up close. But bankruptcy, illness and losing employment are all big fears. There is no immunity but there is a vaccination. Since fears tend to send our insides into knots, that’s where to start. Fear is actually not just an emotion. It affects our breathing and takes over our limbs to make a run for it. It is not comfortable. It makes it difficult to think. To move forward, it is critical to change the focus. This requires using some mind interrogation. As soon as the focus shifts from the tummy and the body, pain lessens. When the mind has to do some work, it uses a lot of energy. The magic method employs finding a simple answer to whether the experience is real or not. When the truth becomes the most important aspect, the situation adjusts with the change. Remember to question if what you are experiencing is real or not. Really real. That will guide your next steps, but they aren’t headed down at this point.

Come closer

Humans don’t seem to be meant to feel an intimacy with large groups. If they were, it would be happening a lot more often. The outliers who seem to want to be super close to everyone look like they are searching for something different. But getting up close and personal with some people in your life through truly tight relationships takes different training. The walls that humans create around themselves are based on decisions. They are not requirements. People may believe that these are based on a lack of confidence or a desire not to get hurt. The odd thing is that the decision to be wary comes prior to even trying to get into someone’s heart. Think about the methods you use to decide how to start a relationship. The slow buildup of initially sharing stories gets followed by developing feelings about how fast to exchange more intel. If there are no boos-boos along the way, the pace continues. It’s very diplomatic negotiations. There is a secret to finding your way to reach humans more successfully, but you have to go first. When the vulnerability boundary tumbles down a snitch, the others don’t seem so far away. If you can lower your resistance, others may see the futility of theirs.

Not so Same

The little devils of change and loss come calling many times in life. They look a little like those iconic, red-dressed culprits with the spiky tails. They poke you with that point and you feel the pressure and pain. There is a way to turn them into little helpers. Change, in most of its forms, brings growth. Growth uplifts the spirit’s work. We might not initially agree with the timing, but that is life. If you change your clothes daily, or update your environment regularly, you are already accepting it’s place. With loss, you get the chance to look into the abyss of what is left and notice what you received from the missing piece. You also get to fill that space with something else. It is nice to let the hole sit empty temporarily as a spot to store some memories, but eventually you will find something extraordinary to place there. You know it needs to be special because of the depth of the loss.

Tick Tock

Time is a bit of a bully. It moves quickly when you want to go slowly and speeds up just when you have the chance to enjoy it. Think about how time feels on vacations vs Sunday nights before heading back to work. It is not always gentle. But it is trying its best to teach us that it doesn’t really exist except in our own heads. We make time fly. We make time slow down. Now that you know it, you can practice manipulating it more often. If you want to help stop time, pause and close your eyes. The absence of outside forces helps. You know the drill. Hand on heart. Breathe. Breathe again and again until you feel your effect on time. Anything is possible in the quiet of your own mind and heart. The living break rewards you when you take it seriously. Believe in yourself and all that you are. You are a part of time.

What are the demons in your life? Can you look at them with the understanding that they are a part of the big plan?


Nancy Pyle is a Master Practitioner in NLP and a Master Certified Strategic Life Coach