NEXT Desire

We spend a lot of time chasing desire. We want. Not just material things but fine esoteric causes also. That strong wish for adventure, excitement or necessity is due to some perceived void in our lives or ourselves. We catch it from others, sometimes through social media, and we pass it on to those closest to us. If words are judged by the number of ways to interpret them, like the word snow to the Eskimos, desire is a very important term.

But it’s not all bad news. Desire is good. A strong wish for something doesn’t necessarily mean that something bad is involved. Love is a word connected to desire and doesn’t tip ugly until you mean obsession. Prayer is a way to show desire and as long as you are aware that you can’t choose the answer, you can be satisfied with the mere act of praying. A request is a desire and we all ask or are asked many requests each day. Hunger brings a craving for food and eating something healthy delivers a benefit and quenches the appetite.

Desire can tell you what you want if you look at the lives of those you idolize. They are experts in something – writing, leading, music, parenting, etc. We certainly wouldn’t look up to someone we didn’t admire something about. Be a detective. They have gained your attention. What is it about them you like? How do you want to be like them?

Everyone starts somewhere. Chances are you are starting with a lot of skills already on hand. Rarely does anyone really start at zero and that thought gives you a mental boost. You got this far, there is a great chance you can go a lot farther. You just have to take a step, and then another. Make a list of what you think it took someone to get to the level you would be comfortable at achieving. Armed with these steps, you have a starter plan. After all, you don’t construct a new road to drive to work every day; you get on the road with others and make your own commute. Remember that old adage about a journey of a thousand miles. You just start. Eventually you can alter your plan to reflect your desires and look past a comfortable level to a level that challenges you. You will build confidence with each mile.

Moving forward is a desire and it will open you up to possibilities. Staying open will allow you to find your own path. There are many ways to get to there from here. The only way that doesn’t work is standing still.

What attracts your attention when you think about those you listen to? We generally don’t waste our time with someone we don’t want to follow. There is something speaking to you; get quiet and listen carefully.


Nancy Pyle is a Master Practitioner in NLP and a Master Certified Strategic Life Coach