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Diet Whys

After food centric holidays, humans get the idea that they need to physically reduce. Losing weight is a common thought process for many reasons. It is lovely to want to be the proper weight for your body type and health. It is certainly alright to be the weight you desire to see yourself as happily healthy looking. It is nice to fit into your clothing and feel as if others can see you the way you want them to. Because of the many thoughts behind the thought attached to losing weight, it takes up a lot of room in our spirit and mind. Choose the right why, and the process is easier because it has a purpose. Humans love a great purpose.

Diet Wholeheartedly

Your diet is not only what you eat. Your diet is every choice you make for what to include in your life. Think about what you choose to entertain yourself as your pleasure diet. When you consider the shows you stream or the places you spend time in social settings, you can determine if the time investment was worth the price. If you allow a couple of hours of reading for pleasure on a rainy afternoon, you may be entertained and comforted with the correct choice of book. If you decide to visit the zoo on a sunny day or walk in nature, the benefit of being outside feeds the spirit as well as the body and mind. That is a full meal of pleasure.

Diet Wisely

Spending time with other humans is also a part of our diet. Who we choose to follow on social media or join in person to enjoy a meal or an activity tells us a lot about how to treasure time. If the company is good enough, the food actually tends to taste better. By association, our friends become a part of our life diet. When the conversation is uplifting and fun, time speeds by and we want more of it. Knowing how to choose what to add to our life diet lets us control our future. Humans like to continue to raise their experiences, so every time life gets better, the bar is raised. We get the chance to enhance the future decisions. We are able to provide our own life improvement plan.

Diet Removal

To remove the negative association that the word diet has earned, the counter intuitive route elevates your life. The first step would be to remove what isn’t giving you a healthy life. Just like all the previous diets you have been on. Removing what isn’t good for you is easy when you are discussing what gives you joy. After your life diet is slimmed down, it is time to really review what is left. If you were thinking about excuses to adding anything beneficial to your life, this would be the time. Once these chosen activities become part of your diet, your mind gradually chooses what is better for you more often. This is the kind of diet that you can stay on forever.

What can you cut out of your life diet? What do you have time to add that will give you more pleasure? When did you realize that traditional diets fail us miserably in what is really good for us?


Nancy Pyle is a Master Practitioner in NLP and a Master Certified Strategic Life Coach