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NEXT Doorbell

Is that the doorbell?

We’ve all been there. Especially lately. The doorbell rings and everybody becomes a statue. My first thought is that it must be some kind of a mistake. No one comes to our door. Our house is far from the street and no one in their right mind would walk all the way up that driveway just to sell me something. We don’t get any ghosts on Halloween for the same reason.

Who is there?

After the humans in the house have determined who is going to be responsible for actually opening the door, we all turn our attention to the foyer and stare at the door. Someone is out there and they want something. The poor loser who has to open that door cautiously tiptoes toward it hoping that the visitor is gone by this point. Or at least that it’s just a kindly package delivery driver dropping off someone’s latest purchase.

Stop that damn ringing

Those who want to hide avoid the front door. Alcoholics, addicts, spies and runaways of every ilk will do everything in their power to keep from actually facing what is out there. Doorbells just sound the alarm in the home. In general, the drama that occurs when there is a chance that someone’s truth might be exposed creates a silent chaos. The fight or flight tendency veers toward a solid flight pattern. That ringing might be just the start of the next terrible thing.

The truth of the chimes

Understanding the thoughts and feelings that accompany the innocent chords of music at the door starts the process of discovering the root of a fear. Answering your own door, even though uncomfortable, is a reminder that being afraid to open up yourself means something desperate. The truth is out there; you just have to let it in.

What goes through your mind when the doorbell rings? Where are chimes going off in your life? Why is there so much fear behind door number one?


Nancy Pyle is a Master Practitioner in NLP and a Master Certified Strategic Life Coach