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NEXT Drive

Off roading is fun

Off on a trip

There are times in life when it is busier than others. Childhood is largely administered by adults and dependent on the speed of the events in their lives. When school begins, the schedule revolves around the drop-offs and pick-ups that are sandwiched into working hours. High school is often a time when barely a glimpse of the attending student exists. If college becomes the next step, parents go back to focusing on their lives. But life has a habit of changing so there is no chance of really going back. To accomplish this with satisfaction, it is best to know what road you are currently on. Yes, that path you are following is moving you toward somewhere of your choosing. Otherwise, you would have checked the map and switched the GPS. The thing about roads is that they all go somewhere. It may not be the fastest way to get there, it might not be the smoothest street and it might not even be the best way, but it is taking you along. If you haven’t thought about your road for a while and were just enjoying the scenery, this might be a great thought exercise.

When life does not have chosen journeys, anywhere is probably acceptable. But it might not get you to where you really want to be.

Don’t give up your license

Option #1: Look ahead of you. What does this path hold for you?

Option #2: Are you maintaining your vehicle?

Option #3: What would make you take a rest break?

That’s it. After you choose the option that best describes how you pick your path, take a few minutes to describe why you chose that option and what action, if any, may come next.


Nancy Pyle is a Master Practitioner in NLP and a Master Certified Strategic Life Coach