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NEXT Energy

The power of you

Are you plugged in?

Power is an off and on thing. Literally. The absence of power actually results in the feeling of being powerless as well as the literal version. Lack of power diverts our attention to complete the circuit as quickly as possible to revert to a more controlled status. But let’s examine some inner power. There is much more power inside of each of us than previously known. The odd situation to notice this is caused by a situation when something goes wrong. I tend to try and stay away from using the word wrong because it is so judgey. Errors account for most of these events and mistakes are not normally made out of a devious calculus. Being wrong even feels worse than the accidental miscalculation. We each have the internal power to decide how to make things feel. We do that with our thoughts. It should be just as spectacular to create an alternate thought. Just crank up the mind and look for alternatives.

This week let’s explore how we use our power. Just like the last couple of weeks, there are options for this exercise. If you feel drawn to one option to explore, start there. If another seems to be a situation that repeats itself, that might be the right place to dive in. When you plug into your own motives, sparks occur. Buckle up.

Outlets require electricity

Option #1: Does your power surge at the same time every day or in similar situations?

Option #2: How do you use your power?

Option #3: When were you shocked most recently?

That’s it. After you choose the option that best describes where you stand on energy for yourself, take a few minutes to describe why you chose that option and what action, if any, may come next.


Nancy Pyle is a Master Practitioner in NLP and a Master Certified Strategic Life Coach