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NEXT Essence

Essentially existing

Smoke or Mirrors

In the driving world, mist brings mystery. Whenever humans are not able to see too far in the distance, a little fear pops up. We like certainty and there is so little of it in life that we like the weather to be a little easier. In an attempt to overcome fog, we amp up the car lights. This results in providing a better ability to see the mist but doesn’t always bring clarity to what is beyond. Our spirit is a little like our personal mist. Imagine having an exterior shell that keeps us safe without us knowing. As a protective entity, this is priceless. We don’t have to request this benefit because it is factory installed. There might not be any more clarity beyond the boundary, but the cloaking keeps us warm.

Depth of Spirit

It takes a while to realize that our souls are all roaming around working for us with other souls. Humans love to see to believe. It is more difficult to focus on stuff that is invisible. The actual depth of our souls is limitless, but that fact often comes as a surprise at the most unexpected times. If our spiritual depth was like water in a pool, it would be like peering into the deep end. It is hard to measure looking at it from certain angles. The most logical explanation for understanding the depth of the soul is you don’t have to. We can take this worry off the table. And when you think about times when you need to access your own spirit, there is often no time to do so.

Another name

If you replace the word self-trust for the word soul, that seems easier to get a handle on. We like to think that we can trust ourselves. Except when it comes to vices. Those require a few additional values to feel as if it is worth the effort. Vices can be short term issues that repeat at intervals. Self-trust works best when it is continuous. It is sometimes limited by how much humility is in session with it. Humans aren’t comfortable with crowns. We like to bask in our humanness. And being human means being flawed. That is actually the most beautiful part of having a soul. Looking inward takes practice but is never a waste of effort. The more often we peer in our vaults, the more surprised we are at what we find out.

The Best Disguise

Souls aren’t visible but their cultural effect is. You probably know at least one person you think has a good soul. This is usually said with admiration. This review of the spirit is meant to think of ways that you have a good soul also. When you admire your own actions, you are using the essence of you that others can look up to. Your mother does not need to approve of these actions. They are yours. Connect with your own insides to feel your spirit. It is there. This is the same way that we talk about small packages. The largest presents are not always the best. Thinking small allows us to realize that it doesn’t take much to have a powerful spiritual side. It might just be that little voice reminding you of how to elevate your life. Start to listen more closely when you close your eyes. Watch for the whispers of your soul.

Is it too woo-woo for you to realize the power of your soul? How can the least visible side of you be so important?


Nancy Pyle is a Master Practitioner in NLP and a Master Certified Strategic Life Coach