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NEXT Feeling

Feelings are the only real goals. Take and breath and read on.

Feeling is Everywhere

I am going to spill some tea. Afterward, this particular truth will be with you forever. When you stop to consider the truth of it, you will understand so much more about why we do everything. Human beings run on feelings. That’s right, not caffeine. You may think that you know that already, but your understanding is probably living at a surface level. We are going to deep dive. Up to this point, you have breathed yourself through life, working, living, sleeping, doing, being, etc. You may think that you have a handle on the way this all works, and you are an expert. But we are going to open the vault to test that theory. Do you know where your feelings live in your body? Can you point to them?

Physical Feelings

Your initial thoughts may be that you can identify the feelings in your body easily. I have painful knees some days. On other days, I might feel a headache coming on gradually. Yes, I feel these. But there are thousands of feelings that we experience all of the time that we do not name. They aren’t all physical in nature although many of them have physical effects. Side effects, just like new medications. And they occur all the time without notice. When they get intense, we realize that we are feeling them. Consider how you felt when you woke up this morning. Did you actually think about anything other than the thoughts about the amount of sleep you got, or the tasks you had to complete today or whether you had the stamina to exercise before the day began? If you have a waking up routine, how did you feel about starting it? Morning feelings tend to center on the experience of starting.

Nothing more than Feelings

But we have feelings all day long. We even dream of feelings. We just don’t always pay attention to them. In all fairness, they do require some work to keep up with. Let’s return to waking up. How did you feel? This can range from completely bored with life to the thrill of knowing that you are going to have the best day of your life. Searching for our first feeling isn’t usually in our routine. But it should be because that is human fuel. Everything we think, do, say, accomplish and experience all-day and all-night results in a feeling. Whether we want it to or not. Humans perform for feelings. Our constant movement is designed to find a feeling. We want and need to feel. It is the basis of our actions. Think about it. How do you want to feel right this minute? No doubt, most of us would say better. The reason we don’t have words to describe it is just from lack of experience. So, what does better mean to you? Stop and breathe for a minute and think about the words you want to describe the feeling you want to have for the next ten minutes. No, I will not give you examples. You know inside of you what you are searching for. Uncover it by starting a list in your head. Keep this work running in the background of your life as much as possible. And since this is a secret to life, there is no need to share it yet. Let it become real to you.

Feelings start Here

Since we are in transformation, there will be lots of feelings. We will breathe through them. Feelings will eventually become the basis of your own program of discovery. When you can really wrap your brain around the fact that your heart-felt feelings are going to be the rocket launcher for life changes, you start to realize that you just didn’t have the correct formula up until now to really create that life you always desired. But now that you know, you really have to know. You have to sink into the idea that everything you do is based on the fact that you are wanting a feeling to happen. Start right there. Breathe again. What is the feeling you want to create first? Think about it. That feeling is going to lead you to discover the one that it might be replacing. Yes, prior feelings, once found out, will need to go. You will agree when you know what to replace them with. Your new feelings are your creation. They won’t be the ones you have dragged around for years that have made you uncomfortable or have outgrown. They can go away now. In fact, they have to leave to make room for the delicious new ones you want to feel. Get ready. Take another breath. How does that breath feel?

Questions of the day: How do you feel when you open your eyes in the morning? How do you feel when you look at yourself in the mirror? How do you want to feel right this second?


Nancy Pyle is a Master Practitioner in NLP and a Master Certified Strategic Life Coach