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NEXT Feeling

I don’t feel like it.

Nothing More than Feelings

When you begin to understand the place that feelings serve in life, it opens up a whole new viewpoint on the way you experience it. Counter-intuitively, there are just a few answers to all of the questions we ask in life. Humans think that asking questions helps us gather truth. The issue is that humans tend to look in their brains for the answers. But there is one main place to find true answers. And it is not the brain. About 18 inches lower in the body resides the place to find what is actually truthful. The heart. Knowing how you feel about everything dissolves any further search.

One Feeling Question

This month, we will focus on the benefits of having a heart. Granted, everyone has one, but everyone’s heart works differently than all of the other organs. Doctors are constantly fiddling with what will make them stronger to keep oxygenated blood flowing throughout the body. That is good news. But the actual greatest act of the heart is providing feeling. Not the kind of feeling like a stomachache, but a feeling that often sounds like an emotion. Humans do most things to get a specific feeling. We eat for pleasure as well as nutrition. We drive cars for fun as well as to travel somewhere. We kiss to show affection as well as connect. We do stuff to feel a certain way. We do most of what we do to get a specific feeling. If you think about why you go to work every day, it is probably not because you can’t wait to get some free coffee in the breakroom. You probably want to hear from some higher-up that you are crushing your tasks. Humans want and need feelings.

Search for the Feeling First

When you turn the question equation around, you can first focus on what feeling you want to receive. After that is known, the road to how to answer the question of how to obtain it seems easier. If I want to feel appreciated, I can think of many ways to do good works for others. If I want to feel joy, I can find experiences to share that will uplift me. If I want to feel healthy, I can plan on treating my body in a way that encourages it to grow in strength. If I want my relationships to be deeper, I can start a conversation that helps to pinpoint acts that build that feeling with someone else. If I want to feel like a great parent, there are ways to draw closer to children. If I want to feel love, I have to share the excess love I have in my own heart with others. That is exactly the reason to feel love inside first.

Start Feeling

Just pick one feeling that you are currently lacking right this moment. There are endless feelings to find and after you understand that finding feelings is the actual point of life, it gets way easier to access what you want instead of settling for whatever crappy feeling you are walking around with today. It is in your complete control. Determine what feeling you desperately need and go for it. Finding your own feeling puts the work squarely on your shoulders and you don’t get to blame anyone else for not making you feel a certain way. It is no one else’s job to create the feelings you capture in your heart for you. Stop looking in your brain for the answer. If humans knew that the secret to a fulfilled life was finding your own feelings within their hearts, the brain could go about supplying the wrong tactics forever and no one would notice. Don’t let your loving heart keep wondering why you rely on your brain. Use your feeling detector and fulfill your own desires.

Start here: How do you really want to feel right this second? If you haven’t thought about it before because you were trapped in your brain, give it a rest. Breathe through your heart and find out what feeling you can conjure up first.


Nancy Pyle is a Master Practitioner in NLP and a Master Certified Strategic Life Coach