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It’s right here

Are you hiding in plain sight?

Coming to the end of anything can feel like meeting a goal. There are natural places where things start to slow down, provide a good stopping point or make us realize that it’s just time to give up. The end of a calendar year can seem like that just like the end of a month or a week or a day. The difference is in degrees. But where something ends, something may also start. Let’s review. Each week we have read through options of how to consider a single subject. The options kept it from feeling limiting. Even when the options didn’t make sense or meet a current thought, they were just there for the reading. And an option that was not considered previously might prompt a randomly new thought. But since it’s time to take stock and pause for what comes next, this ending has some depth. There are obvious questions that come up when reviewing a year. Some years revolve around opportunities in careers, some in relationships and others break over births, deaths and illness. Humans like big stuff to talk about and those come to mind first. But pausing for the little moments is what really makes up all of those events. The dawn you notice, the smell of something delicious, the feel of the air when you first open a window, the touch of another human or the first pleasant thought that occurs in our minds every day are honest markers of where we are in life. Humans hide in plain sight. If any thoughts brought you closer to that righteous person you see in the mirror, you have been found out. Congratulations. Where are you going next?

What is really done?

Option #1: What sense ends things for you?

Option #2: Can you determine what your ending this year means?

Option #3: What can you do to stop time?

That’s it. After you choose the option that best describes what you will take away this year, take a few minutes to describe why you chose that option and what action, if any, may come next.


Nancy Pyle is a Master Practitioner in NLP and a Master Certified Strategic Life Coach