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Look for your own beauty marks

Get over it

It is possible that our imperfections make us who we really are. Most of this year we have focused on improvement. But there will always be aspects of ourselves that don’t deliver until we realize that those are the most authentic parts. The carefully crafted faces, bodies and lives that we see on social media are not real. True acceptance comes from really seeing the differences among us and using those as the advantage. In theory, it would seem that perfect would be the overall goal. And excellence is a quick second. But perfection is not really attainable with any lasting significance. The longer you look at other humans, the more you realize that we are built similarly but different. Maybe that’s how we are supposed to tell each other apart. We may yearn to be and have what others do, but that would be fairly boring in reality.

Steer this Thought

This is a large lesson. There is a pithy saying using the word assume that we all know. For excellent reasons, this word carries a lot of weight. The only good use of this universal law. If you didn’t know that those existed, listen up. It does not really matter what you are thinking sometimes. Yes, that is not exactly what I have preached. Your reality is shaped by your conscious and unconscious thoughts. Once you know what your inner assumptions are, they can be reshaped or discarded. There is no such thing as fate. When you change your assumptions so that they work for you, you will automatically have a different life. For example, you assume that you cannot lose weight. Or you can’t learn how to knit. Or you will never have good friends. Or you have no control over how much money you make. You are completely incorrect. Until you make these assumable thoughts work for you, you will not have everything you desire. Your chosen assumptions will cause your life to follow your beliefs. This is so powerful many humans will not even try it. But you are different. Make you happen.

Reread that previous paragraph

You are in charge of your life. To do this, you must learn to trust yourself. Don’t wait for a sign to take over your life. It ain’t coming. Be less fearful everyday. I use the sunrise and specifically the sun to be my reminder to be thankful. Even when the sun is behind the clouds, it is there. Your magnetic being of flaws and beauty is meant to feel the benefit of kindness. Your life will have challenges for you, not against you. When you can get past some of the pain of any ugly part of your life, you may be able to understand this. At times, this has taken me years to feel. Don’t hurry it along because the longer it takes, the more important the journey’s lesson is. That is part of the counter intuitiveness of life. It is a bitch to admit it, but so true. Now, reread this paragraph also.

Partners and Pleasure

As a reminder, be your authentic self first to find love. Also, make sure that those you feel compatible with understand that you are seeking those who match your authenticity. The value of your best partner is their ability not to just dress up for you, or act in a particular way, or say what they think you want to hear or live an Instagramable life. If you think they are worth it, wait for them to follow your lead and be just themselves. It may be worth it. There will be times when the decisions you make might not seem worth it. But if you back up and see this choice from your place in the generation just prior to you and the one just after you, you will better understand if you will regret it. Avoid the ones that create years of regret. It is a high price. Create as much pleasure in life around you and through you as possible. The circus doesn’t have to come to town to have peanuts and popcorn. Look for entertainment that will stimulate new thoughts. You do not really know all the time yet why opportunities are put into your life. The final lesson today is acceptance. It does not cost extra to accept so many things in life. Consider making a list of the stuff you accept and see where it leads you. So worth it.

First, accept yourself and be authentic. That paves the way for those around you. You can be the one. Holy cow. It has always been you.


Nancy Pyle is a Master Practitioner in NLP and a Master Certified Strategic Life Coach