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NEXT Formula

The place where your mind goes when you aren’t focusing is of great value. These thoughts are top most and tell you what your brain is thinking about even though you don’t know it is. The effects of this knowledge affect everything. When you allow for inactivity, your mind takes over and fills the void. This can teach you if controlled on a low level but usually occurs for lack of something more important going on. It’s almost accidental.

Gradually increasing the focus on these thoughts can reveal areas of opportunities that may avoid future issues. It could also eliminate possibly negative consequences. Dissecting personal thoughts without judging them sometimes provides the possibility that there are opposite thoughts that might be better. Not just accepting every thought allows for the chance of a new thought being a better alternative. But this is difficult to do because we want our initial thought to be right. Being married to an initial thought makes all other possibilities impossible. But we can’t be right 100% of the time. We shouldn’t even think that we are that right because that just advertises a lack of consideration for other thoughts and doesn’t allow us to expand our thought results.

It is hard to pick out just one thought and examine it. We want to efficiently clean up all of them. But focusing on just one often leads to the chance that another one evolves. It’s math that can result in more order. If you can accept adapting just a small improvement in any one area, it would gradually make a tremendous difference and it would not be as difficult as trying to make really big changes overnight. Slight transformations also provide that easy fix if there is a tendency to backslide a couple of times before getting a change just right. If the changes were so simple that they instantly took, how hard could they have been?

Hold onto the possibility that the obvious may be incorrect. The obvious is often just on the surface. The obvious often hides what is really going on. It shouldn’t be trusted to be your direct route to what you are really thinking. It is safe but unreliable. In fact, the obvious is always the first thing that the TV detective discards as the truth. It serves as a red herring to let us know that life really isn’t always so easy to figure out.

The beauty of the deep examination is the creation of a process that will always serve. Compounding this habit by using it often shapes a new process in developing a constantly evolving formula. Transformation is the real goal; anything less would not be enough. To create your own sizable wins, you must change the game.

Can you think of some minor skill sets that were enhanced over time that now serve as solid helpers? What can you change to be able to increase the chances of better thought examination? Choose one thing to practice this week; where can you make a quick change in thinking that will create your new procedure?


Nancy Pyle is a Master Practitioner in NLP and a Master Certified Strategic Life Coach