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Not just for weekends

The Daily Dance

Waiting to have fun until it is deserved seems like a delaying tactic. Humans get involved in the daily grind to the point where pain becomes an earned prize. There must have been a day when the fun slowed down and finally died an unnatural death. But there was no headstone to honor it and it didn’t just show back up the next day either, so it had to be begged, or planned, for future dates. It is like it became invisible. It takes a very definitive practice to reinsert daily fun. It even requires that some activities get named differently. There is no saying how many things could be named fun if you turned them upside down or imagined them with alternate colors. There are no actual laws against setting up a hopscotch court in the hallway to the kitchen. The pretty glasses don’t have to be saved for formal occasions. You can decide to put two bows in your head and see if anyone notices. Fun is all over the place. But it does take just the smallest amount of effort. Try making one change in any area and it will eventually bleed over into another idea. I should have written this in multi-colored text to make it seem fun. See, ideas are really out there.

Every little change

Option #1: Can you update the very next thing you plan to do?

Option #2: Are you set up for a good time?

Option #3: Which direction is not natural?

That’s it. After you choose the option that best describes a different aspect of fun, take a few minutes to describe why you chose that option and what action, if any, may come next.


Nancy Pyle is a Master Practitioner in NLP and a Master Certified Strategic Life Coach