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NEXT Grumpy

Grumpy was just one of seven guys

Feeling grumpy is such an odd feeling. It’s doesn’t always feel like a choice; it just sort of shows up. This overall feeling of annoyance usually has some basis. I know it is easy for me to feel grumpy in the morning if I don’t think I have had enough good sleep. In the fairy tale that features Grumpy, there’s another member of the seven who is in charge of the sleep category due to its importance in everyone’s well-being. Grumpy has a permanent scowl on his face for an unknown reason and efforts to help him smile never seem to work well. I get that. Nothing anyone does turns my scowl into a smile on the regular either.

Grumpy Age

There is a stereotypical belief that older men are usually grumpy. Stereotypes are based on real-world experience, so you may have run into a few of these guys. But maybe they just look grumpy. You never really know until you start up a conversation. And if you are smart enough to start with a smile, they may like your effort and reward you with a conversation that is very pleasant. Looks can be deceiving. But even if they are really grumpy, there is a basis. It’s probably impolite to ask outright, but I like to give the benefit of the doubt on that one. Because I know how easy it is to feel a little disgruntled. Toddlers get great grumpy faces when you don’t do what they want or give them what they are asking for. Their grumpiness is acceptable because they still have an overall cuteness going on.

Managing your Force

Everything seems to be able to effect this aspect of our behavior. There are folks who are more often in the same mood every day. It’s their setpoint. There are others who are differently enabled and their mood is more dependent on what is going on around them. Think of it as the difference between being a Jedi and acting like you know how to manage a lightsaber. Some things you just can’t fake. In coaching, clients learn how to be a mind Jedi. Like most good things, you don’t unlearn it. You might not use it all of the time but it is just a buzz away.

Mood Management

The single most important tactic I teach my clients is how to manage their thoughts. Once this concept is really understood and practiced, mood management becomes an everyday activity. The lifelong benefits are priceless. Imagine what it feels like to know how to handle every thought that shows up. Imagine what that would do to thoughts that create grumpiness. The general mood that follows is much less erratic because the tools are in place to create helpful thoughts. The only downside is the fact that everyone won’t tiptoe around you before they determine your mood. They may be as welcoming as Brother Happy.

When do you feel grumpy? How do you manage that feeling? If you knew how to manage your thoughts, how would it benefit you?


Nancy Pyle is a Master Practitioner in NLP and a Master Certified Strategic Life Coach