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Hard means Important

In our current world, hard work is often revered. The bio behind hard work includes putting in extra time, more effort, making sacrifices and knowing that all of that activity will get you ahead. There is nothing wrong with putting in extra effort by choice or passion and we tend to think positively of those decisions. Hard could still be important in those instances but it doesn’t have the same feel. It seems stronger and better.

Easy doesn’t count

Most breakfast cooks will tell you that the hardest egg to make correctly is “over easy.” The degree of jiggliness of the yolk means something completely different to each diner. There is a wide range of doneness and the simple order does not have enough adjectives to describe it. There would probably be a lot of hand gestures involved and those are always hard to ring up on the order. We tend to think of easy as not consequential. Easy doesn’t count as much as hard. It’s the path that doesn’t deserve to get you ahead.

Degree of difficulty

Elite athletes make their sport look effortless. The hours of sweat, practice and mind control all show up later as competence. They were created. This is good to remember when thinking about what kind of dream to focus on. Starting something and continuing to improve over time starts a process that propels you forward and helps you decide if the action of competence in one area could become a passion and a purpose. You never know until you start to feel some confidence. But take note that as you get better at your passion, it may not be hard anymore. Don’t let that mean that it isn’t still important.

Labeled unworthy

If something is important to you, it doesn’t have to be labeled easy or hard. It just means that it is in your life. If something comes easily to you, you might actually enjoy it faster than if it took time to develop. If something is hard, remember not to reject it without attempting to put in some effort. The act of reaching a certain level of success changes the way you think about investing time in other things that you thought were too hard. It is worth knowing that you don’t really ever know what the benefit will be when you think something is easy or hard. You aren’t able to see what will come of removing the adjectives attached by someone else. You just might find out that you are okay with the range of deliciousness in any part of the jiggle.

What activity have you attached an adjective to that made it seem more important? Why don’t we think of easy things as important? Have you ever noticed that you started to like something more when you become better at it?


Nancy Pyle is a Master Practitioner in NLP and a Master Certified Strategic Life Coach