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NEXT In Between

People shouldn’t be torn.

Just Between Us

Another month with a new agenda. But before we move into some exciting new thoughts, let’s review all of the lessons we have focused on so far. Journalling, pausing, holding onto our hearts and breathing with closed eyes are now ingrained. It’s great to have reliable strategies. This month will be a little like a magic show. But the curtains will be lifted to uncover the techniques. Fun stuff. You might feel like you are in between thoughts at this point. Transformation takes time. Let’s join our human and spiritual experience as a foundation for what is coming next. In coaching sessions, a level of trust builds up to allow for the sharing of thoughts. It isn’t always easy to uncover parts of yourself quickly after years of keeping them hidden inside. That’s normal. In some religions, confession exists for participants to share moments when they didn’t live up to a standard. Sometimes the standard includes the rules of a religion, but we all have internal standards that we live by. When listening to a client share something they haven’t acknowledged out loud previously, it is best for me to just sit back and be present. The words just exist in a space between us. Speaking hidden thoughts into existence is a very spiritual experience. Humans aren’t taught this early enough to know that it is absolutely alright not to be perfect.

Hang On

Once some prior unspoken thoughts reach actual discussion, they often lose some of their power. It is as if just bringing them out into the daylight dissolves them a little and they start to become neutral. It is odd that the reasons for hiding them belongs to our own practice of hanging on to them. Humans like to share what they determine is good but feel embarrassed by the kind of stuff done when being human that seems out of character. Letting go and resisting hanging on lightens them to help get them closer to neutral. When humans can review their actions without judgement, the stigma disappears. The human being’s spirit knew this all along but was waiting patiently for the self-inflicted drama to go away.

In Spirit

The sweet spot to shoot for is a feeling of understanding of being a spirit in a human body. Check out your eyes. When you stare deeply into your own soul, you can often feel the softness of your spirit. That ethereal picture we conjure up when thinking about our spirit might be pretty close to right. Yearning for that lightness partners with the interest in being good. Most humans don’t outright choose to be anything other than good. Circumstances can push us to act in a manner that is lower than we would like if we had enough time to react. But we fall into a reactive practice from having to deal with so much in the world. Stress is present at every age. Being quick to deal with life doesn’t always result in the best response. Our spirit may know how to gently handle everything, but life requires time to get good at being spiritual.

Spiritual Tap

Tapping into our spirit requires letting go of being human. This ain’t easy. We start out in life using those human skills because we see everyone else around us using them. By the time it becomes an accepted thought that we are more spirit than human, the reluctance to release old habits is strong. This is where that pausing, hand on heart, breathing with closed eyes routine works wonders. It may be hard to believe but the intention of tapping into our spirit as often as possible is the actual exercise that quickly counteracts the old methods. The real way to conveniently cozy up to your spirit is available all the time. Because it is you.

Tap, tap, tap. The more you close your eyes, place your hands on your heart and breathe, the faster you will find your spirit. Your spirit is you.


Nancy Pyle is a Master Practitioner in NLP and a Master Certified Strategic Life Coach