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Interrupt Yourself

Generally speaking, courteous humans believe that interrupting someone while they are speaking is considered rude. Interrupting another person is accompanied by an increase in energy. Interrupting becomes important to stop what is being delivered. Interruption is a deliberate disruptor. Just waking up in the morning disrupts sleep and may be the reason we do not love alarms. Going to sleep at night doesn’t have the same brand. Tucking in for the night is associated with rest and self-care. Dreams come when we interrupt being awake.

Interruption vs Pause

I am the princess of pausing. I make it a habit to take a beat when needed to access thought. The pauses I take look kinda like not knowing at times and that is actually true. During the pause, I rely on my thoughts to see what they want to offer. It is like having a committee at your fingertips. But an interruption is not considered as controlled. A pause is a pretty lapse. Especially if something intelligent comes out of my mouth when I resume talking. When the body has the hiccups, it is interrupting itself. We have lots of homegrown fixes to a case of the hiccups since it happens to most of us. Humans want to stop them to relieve the interruption in normal breathing.

Adapt the Recess

The best part of most school days is the recess. I seriously think that all workplaces need to adapt that word instead of calling free time a break. A break contains the physical thought of something failing to continue instead of taking the needed rest to return after with more energy. Workplaces need some lightening up and just the thought change in having recess throughout the day provides a new set of options to use the time away. School recess was established to allow the young body to get up and move because our physical selves need the exercise. It’s just a thought that it should be associated with youth. Try thinking of your breaks as recess and they will become more fun.

Take a Breather

In accordance with my plan to change from taking pauses to interrupting myself, I am going to rename those moments of stopping to catch my breath. We know that it is important to take a breather when doing physical activities. Our breath is essential. Our ability to breath is our built-in system to keep us alive. We don’t have to think about it. But when we do, it improves breathing, it reminds us of its importance, and it provides our spirit the woo-woo attention it deserves. We are spirits in human bodies. The difference between living and not living is breathing. It is super important. Taking a proper breather should be required. It is the chance for us to interrupt what we are doing and appreciate our whole selves.

How do you feel when interrupted? Who do you feel that it is alright to interrupt? How often do you think of breathing?


Nancy Pyle is a Master Practitioner in NLP and a Master Certified Strategic Life Coach