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NEXT Leader

I’m in charge.

A Leader Leads

At some point in life, we all come into contact with a leader. Sometimes, that leader is us. Even if this was a part of the plan, becoming that leader creates a lot of new feelings that are hard to talk about. At work, leaders are supposed to know how to lead, how to motivate employees, how to oversee a group and how to look like a leader. Suddenly, a lot of people keep looking at you. They think you know stuff that they don’t. It can be daunting. Leaders who don’t or can’t admit, at least to themselves, that they don’t know everything, get into trouble fast. Humans can smell fake a mile away,

Lead from the pack

If you have ever seen a group of animals, they have a natural way of following the leader. That leader might not even be at the front. At times, they are hidden in the pack. They certainly have their attention on what is going on, but it might not be noticeable. Many great leaders do something similar. There is a way of moving from front to side to back effortlessly, but it must be practiced. When you get too used to standing at the front or sitting at the end of the conference table, change your position. Everyone else learns to adjust. Changing your viewpoint lets you get a different perspective. You can lead from anywhere.

The Power Leader

At times, a leader has to make decisions that aren’t easy. That’s really why they have been chosen. Leaders who want to cultivate more leaders tend to give away power. Great leaders aren’t diminished by this. The work of those given more power allows them to develop skills that have few opportunities to gather. The giving leader must be patient and only provide hints at options. The joy of having power is recognizing potential but sometimes it is just hoping that there is capability. Leaders don’t have all the knowledge. And those who are working in challenge dig a little deeper to see what might have gone unnoticed previously. Leaders should stand up and close their eyes to test their own sight.

The Fruits of Labor

Work can be fun. Work can be satisfying. Work can expose you to interesting people. Work can teach you skills. Think of work as fruit. You have favorites. You have fruit that you don’t eat because you aren’t familiar with it. We know that fruit can be good to eat. If you want to have some fruit and it is out on the table in front of you, you can indulge. And you can share. Leaders must recognize all of the fruits in their world. Being grateful for having the chance to be a leader is important. Be the leader you always wanted to have. You know what that means. As the leader, you don’t even have to ask permission. Just lead yourself.

Are you a leader who leads according to your method? Do you lead yourself well? Where do you stand when you lead?


Nancy Pyle is a Master Practitioner in NLP and a Master Certified Strategic Life Coach