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New Life

Human beings have many lives, maybe more than cats. The power to reinvent ourselves is an opportunity in our thoughts and at our fingertips. The challenge is to access it, we need to actually do something. Something real. Like walk away or walk toward. Each of the steps involved in walking requires leaving a place of some comfort. Even if the satisfaction level is low, it is familiar.

Milestones in Life

Approaching any kind of milestone in our own timeline conjures up those feelings of life review. When we compare anything at anytime, the negative is usually first in sight. Noticing the negative was the safety skill that kept us alive even when we were hungry and the berries looked tasty. A small sample might help us understand how dangerous those shiny orbs really are. Our spidey sense goes off and we cough up the poison quickly and get away from that bush as soon as possible. We crave safety. Seatbelts, sunscreen and umbrellas protect us. When a milestone looms ahead, we want to know that we are on the right path, following our plan and cognizant that time is ticking away.

Everyday Life

In between those important dates are so many regular days. They don’t feel special enough to attach high expectations to them and they slide away as if they are not deserving of better. But if you think about time as just a construct, that can take away the hesitancy in trying to make any or every day new. Without attaching a name or a date to each waking event, we open up the possibilities. We don’t have to wait until it’s finally Friday to have a fun life. We don’t have to only go on vacations during specific months. The oddball Tuesday becomes the chance to try out something unseen previously. Every real day can mean more if we raise our expectations or remove the mundane persona we attached in the past. To create a fuller life to review during that next big birthday, don’t hesitate, wait or believe that it can’t be done.

Life thoughts

Although inserting life into your days takes practice, the only work is in the thought that you can actually do it. You don’t have to wait for anyone else to start. You can just decide that your next day will begin with a new routine, habit or ritual that suits you. This kind of enormous freedom can be crippling in itself until you remove the belief that you are not following the way things have always been done. If we look a little closer at that belief, we may see that it didn’t fit us anyway and if it wasn’t working needs life repair. Life is still temporary. If you found out that you only had a month to live, the concept of wasting time would evaporate. Your overriding thought would change to doing as much as possible of what you really want. You can try on the feeling to see what it stirs up in your desires. Take today and make it mean something just to you.

What would you immediately stop doing if you only had to live for a short time? What decisions would you make about your relationships? Can you imagine how many minutes you wouldn’t spend worrying about what anyone else would think?


Nancy Pyle is a Master Practitioner in NLP and a Master Certified Strategic Life Coach