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Self-care is not what you think

Self-Love starts Here

Let’s talk about ultimate self-care. It is not what you think. This self-care isn’t about massages and pedicures. Those are activities to complete upkeep on your physical form. After all, you wouldn’t consider paying the bills self-care. Although failing to do so could affect your physical environment. The kind of self-care we will focus on this heart happy month is closer to creation. If you could build over who you are right this moment, what would that look like? From a strictly physical point of view, how would you describe your body? If there are differences in the new you and the you that already exists, what are they? Think about what your family would look like, your job and career would include, your relationships would demonstrate and the plan of your daily life. If your personality would change, describe what that would look like. If you didn’t describe the current you when building the new you, let’s pause and take a breath. You don’t have to be a fixer upper.

Love Thyself

A magic wand should not be a necessity in life. Whisking away the parts that don’t provide enough pleasure decreases the value of the container that holds our own love. If you put your hand on your heart, close your eyes and think about the amount of love you have stored away just for you, there should be a full vessel. If there is a little air space available, that’s a great place to start. You may already know what is missing. It is entirely possible that some evaporated. That’s just a message. Recall how your plants look when you return after some time away from them. Living things need attention. For plants, love may be water and sunshine. That’s pretty easy. If you are looking past the chance that your self-care might include some basic needs, you might be overthinking it. This is usually due to there being so many choices and our crazy wanting to make everything complicated. Humans value complexity. But maybe going with the easy stuff will be a better base for growth.

Transforming Love

There is no doubt that you can experience more love in your life. Starting with your own transformation includes deciding where you need more love. Counter-intuitively, no one needs less. Extraordinary. The very reason that humans exist is to love. We definitely get caught up in learning our life’s lessons, but ultimately, they are based on love. When you arrive at those pearly gates, there will just be one question. You will have to bravely say if you have loved or not. Humans can love a whole lot of things along the way in life but in the end, what will those do for you? This year of transformation is the perfect time to open up and choose to love as much as possible. In order to pass the entrance exam at death, be ready for the essay question. Choose to love now and as much as possible.

Love personally

The best aspect of transforming is deciding what to keep and what to toss out of life. Knowing yourself better opens up the part of you that does not fear as much. Knowing and then choosing what to include in your life chisels away at the list you have always used to describe what your life should include. When you go to the trouble to lose that list and make your own, the stuff that is gone remains in the past because you can get involved with all of the chosen emotions and thoughts you want to experience. Self-care is choosing you. The real you. You can give away the old one bit by bit. Transforming gradually provides a deepening love for who you are becoming. Building that fulfilling you is exciting. Imagine that. Being your real self and loving who you are. What a privilege.

Think about it: Do you love who you are this minute? Are you prepared for how fulfilling your life will be when you live it by choice? Are you committed to dropping any fears and become a caring self?


Nancy Pyle is a Master Practitioner in NLP and a Master Certified Strategic Life Coach