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NEXT Never

List your Nevers

To help spark thoughts about possibilities, we make bucket lists. These contain experiences and life goals that we are required to accomplish in order to give us the feeling that our lives were worth living. Some issues with this type of list are the the chances that we might not be able to get to them and what the heck to include. If you make too many safe targets, you might not be aiming high enough and if you include climbing Mount Everest, you are just showing off.

Lot of things Never need to happen

I can think of a million things that I don’t ever need to do to think that my life has been an accomplishment. But I hear myself proclaiming that “I would never do that” in my head in response to someone else’s moves. So, I am considering my nevers. Things that never need to happen in my life. I am going to try not to include the scary things but that is pretty much where my imagination goes immediately.

Maybe never by design

The nevers that I want to do without are the ones that are unnecessary. They are the hurts that don’t need to happen, the insults that don’t need to be hurled, the moments that don’t need to be wasted and the people that don’t need to be forgotten. Say the things that should be said and do the deeds that must be done. Don’t skip these.

Never my love

Never seems like a long time. But it is a great word to use to banish and it has great finality to it. When we talk about love, we tend to use it to describe the permanence of our feeling, either way. That’s a good way to incorporate it into my bucket list. My bucket list can include the items that I want to always keep doing in my life. They don’t always have to include mountains, but Denali would be worth visiting. The rarified air would help me physically understand the importance of selecting just the best parts of life to include as worthwhile before leaving this world.

What do you never want to do? What do you never want to stop doing? Do you know your strongest never ever?


Nancy Pyle is a Master Practitioner in NLP and a Master Certified Strategic Life Coach