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Making a Note of it

Simple notes can be used in many situations to later provide clarity or correct memory. A grocery list can help assure having the right food on hand to eat well. The list can also provide constraints against the outside possibility of purchasing something that might be less healthy. The dependability of having a proper errand list can keep tasks top of mind for when the opportunity arrives to complete them. Class notes are essential to delineate the important facts to remember. Keeping meeting notes is an actual job that requires better attention to who is saying what.

The Musicality of Notes

Words with more than one meaning intrigue me. They must be a pain for anyone learning this language. The idea that my notes should contain some beauty is not immediately apparent. But if I can develop a better appreciation of notes, they begin to deliver on a higher level. Music has a rhythm and order to it that great notes need. Creating notes on scraps or beautifully designed pads provides the same result of creating order. But holding a note that is enjoyable to review increases the chances of treating it with more importance. Respect the paper.

Journaling your Life Notes

Creating daily or weekly notes on what goes on in your life has been known in the past as keeping a diary and more recently as journaling. Journals have expanded to include visual and tactile reminders of the moments that make up our days as they capture the thoughts we want to include. It isn’t easy to really write truthfully about all of the insights your mind feeds you in an average day, but keeping track of habits, finances, celebrations and highlights fills up a lot of space. For those artistically bent, journals are a good place for personal doodling and drawing.

Note to Self

One of the best rewards of journaling is uplifting your relationship with yourself. Your life events and thoughts have importance. Keeping track of personal involvement and evolution helps you see where change occurs. The actual act of writing about yourself lets you document what your thoughts are telling you about the incredible life you are creating. When there is nothing is write, it tells you a whole lot more about what you need to do to build a bigger life. There is never nothing happening. You just have to take note.

Life can sometimes seem boring if you don’t take note of the mysteries of what happens. Out of the ordinary thoughts open a window that deserve more attention. Are you open to examining the minutiae of your own world?


Nancy Pyle is a Master Practitioner in NLP and a Master Certified Strategic Life Coach