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Once in a lifetime

Once in a lifetime happens every single day. No, really, every day. Although most days have a certain similarity due to our love of routine, every day is open to interpretation. Just changing one task or the way we approach a subject every day turns it into a new event. Think about it, do you tend to sit in the same seat to eat every day, do you greet everyone with the same words every day or perform tasks in the same order every day? Following a routine every day could result in stifling some creativity.

Just this once

I have used this rationalization many times. I convince myself that I am going to do something just this one time. It is often something out of the ordinary that is not part of my usual ritual. Children are terrific at using this simple logic to ask for a treat like staying up late or having an extra sweet. I think I need to pick this habit back up and see what happens.

Once is never enough

Routines are great for efficiency and working on auto-pilot. They are not great for spontaneity or creativity. It is time to spice it up when days start to blend together or “just happen.” Starting with changing a morning habit can prompt a new outlook early in the day. Looking for opportunities to switch up as the day progresses invigorates the brain cells and forces once in a lifetime thoughts. Surprising myself as the day continues instead of returning to the old way is harder because the brain wants to follow that easy path.

A lifetime in a day

Once each day becomes a lifetime, you can look at everything differently. Gratitude is so easy when you look critically at your life. Changing up the components creates a new day. A once in a lifetime day. The change you make often results in a domino effect and someone else’s day changes. The ripple may remain unknown to you but the pond gets more circles.

If you feel a rut happening, take a chance and change one thing. What could you add or subtract from your morning schedule to create a new effect? Can you make every day add more to your lifetime?


Nancy Pyle is a Master Practitioner in NLP and a Master Certified Strategic Life Coach