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Ordinary is still Special

In my book, Essentially Ordinary, I attempt to explain the theory that we are all ordinary. Ordinary doesn’t mean that we are not special or even extraordinary. In fact, being ordinary is shockingly extraordinary. The nothing special about each of us is the same exact thing that makes us special. It can be confusing if you are using the wrong definition. The meaning of words gets distorted over time and few of us carry around a dictionary to make sure that we are using each word correctly. Because of adjective-overuse, some words have become more generic through repetition. But not ordinary.

Ordinary is for Everyone

As a general description, the amazing creation of each human as ordinary might not seem special enough. On the contrary, the very fact that there are so many spectacular humans created alike proves the very point that humans are ordinarily extraordinary. We don’t have to be the best at literally anything to hold this description. That leaves each of us with the knowledge that our existence is what supplies our unique specialness. We just embody a shared magnificence. We are enough just as we are. No comparison is needed to determine if your humanity is better than anyone else’s. No trophies are required. For anyone.

But Ordinary isn’t the Same

Many really ordinary folks in the world understand their intrinsic value. Ordinary does not mean that you need to conform to the expectations of others. Ordinary does not mean you are not fabulous. It just means that you have already figured out that we all have the potential to be priceless. It actually means that you are comfortable with the fact that your magnificence is just living your life with the understanding that you are able to follow your own journey, enjoy it completely and not feel as if you are not enough. You can tell that being enough is fascinating due to the thousands of posters printed in the last few years with that slogan. We shouldn’t need a reminder.

Look Away

It may be beneficial to change perspective if you can’t look away from the other humans for standards. In fact, this would be easy if we totally committed to living our own lives. Entertaining ourselves with ordinarily wonderful lives might be the universal prescription. The really fun part to understand is that absolutely nothing outside of us will ever be as cool as what is inside of us. When we shift our focus to the incredible vault of our heart and mind, there is little time to worry about all of the influences that the world offers us as alternatives to delighting in ourselves. On top of that, it is way more convenient to mind ourselves. Everywhere we go, there we are. No waiting required.

Who are the “they” in your explanations about life? Could you be comfortable not worrying about anyone else’s life? Why are we afraid of just being ourselves?


Nancy Pyle is a Master Practitioner in NLP and a Master Certified Strategic Life Coach