Next Plan

Lack of available time has traditionally been the biggest defense provided by everyone when discussing why procrastination occurs. Most days are busy, busy, busy and getting the necessary tasks accomplished is usually seen as a win. Forget having enough “extra” time to write that book, take that course, clean that closet or do those pesky taxes. Who knew that the universe would provide a solution to lack of time?

Just when you least expected it, there may be time. Those with optimistic spirits recognized the opening. As we humans do when we start new projects, we made plans. Some sat down in front of blank word docs and stared. Some scrolled through online sites and looked for the best course to take. Some gathered bags to hold the clothes that would be tossed or donated and stood staring at all those hangers. Some pulled out that trusty folder of tax forms and read the reviews of all the tax software programs. But that’s about how far we got.

If we were only in need of time, why couldn’t we get moving on our projects? Feeling guilty over at least not starting a project, some made brave attempts at starting and then abandoned it soon after. There must be something really wrong with us.

One of the most obvious reasons why we really don’t want to do any projects is why we have the time now. We didn’t choose this mini-vacation as a writing session, cleaning or painting opportunity or clothes rearranging kondo. We rarely look forward to doing our taxes at any time. No, this pause in life was forced on us by an invisible enemy of the human establishment. We can’t use traditional force to get rid of it; we can’t hate its ideology. We have to fight it with a new weapon we haven’t used before. We have to do nothing. And doing nothing and going nowhere is hard. Really hard. It feels like we aren’t free and most of us would agree that our freedom is a special value we feel entitled to. Wars were fought over it. Our human treasure was lost in battle. We revere those who have gallantly given their freedom to insure ours. And now, doing nothing is our battle plan. It may seem like it’s not enough but it is everything. We just weren’t prepared for it.

So, don’t plan any big projects until you really want to do them. It’s okay. It is not a good idea to place more stress on ourselves to do more when the most important thing is to do less. Eventually, you can start to write a few words or even a paragraph, take the clothes that won’t fit you out of the closet, paint a few samples to select a pretty color, and file those yearly forms. But maybe not today. Today is a great day to do what you are supposed to do. Work at home, learn at home, cook at home, read at home, exercise at home, love at home. Enjoy your fortress knowing that you are helping the cause.


Nancy Pyle is a Master Practitioner in NLP and a Master Certified Strategic Life Coach