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Adult Recess

Think about the last time you had some fun. The kind of fun that might have made you laugh out loud, smile unexpectedly, open your heart or made you want to delay stopping. That kind of fun for adults deserves some attention. Perhaps even a new word. Due to the delightfully never-ending list of responsibilities of being a grown-up human, the time for play gets decreased. There are those who state that their work is fun and that is difficult to accept when you don’t feel it yourself. Adults limit themselves due to age restrictions also. The good news is that today’s adult is not yesterday’s adult. In fact, the opportunity for playtime seems to have increased as generations moved into adulthood. We can claim progress on that score. There is no requirement to be your parents. The real challenge is inserting play into more of a daily activity. This requires changing the state of thought about the activities that revolve around what we describe as not-so-fun. The ritual of errands on the weekend might be on this list. But you can give yourself permission to grab a latte and wander the grocery. The pick-ups and drop-ups of a busy family can involve musical playlists or special games. Starting a commute five minutes earlier flips the hurrying feeling of stress into the rich satisfaction of an expert planner. The point is to look at tasks differently.

Travel back in time to the playground and look at your life with the keen eye of a team leader. You can tell which part of life needs a little more fun. Take the chance on the one that you might choose last. Let’s go.

Throw the ball

Option #1: If you are running from place to place all day, are you paying attention to those valuable steps that are adding up?

Option #2: What does your fun person model have in common with you?

Option #3: Answer carefully: Is being fun not in line with being an adult?

That’s it. After you choose the option that best describes where you stand on the fun in your world, take a few minutes to describe why you chose that option and what action, if any, may come next.


Nancy Pyle is a Master Practitioner in NLP and a Master Certified Strategic Life Coach