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Powerful Heroes

Superheroes are super popular in the movies. If they were regarded as good role models alone in these stories, that might be enough. But over time, the explosions and special effects associated with them has escalated. Sometimes, they even have less than stellar habits. They actually have flaws. We like to think of flawed beings as good because they are more like us. They are acceptable superheroes. Perhaps by elevating our lives, we feel closer to them.

Our Real Powers

Instead of discussing the powers we do not possess, let’s look at the possible theory that we have better innate powers. The first power we usually get credit for is intelligence. Families will awe over children who walk early, talk early and read early because they think it signifies intelligence. If a child seems to surpass the expectations of their original family, they rack up complimentary points quickly. Once that thought has been placed in the brain of a child, they look for examples of it to confirm it. They act smart because they have been told that they are so. If you didn’t get this message, here it is: you are uniquely talented, and your mind has its own specific superpower. When you begin to think that thought and the power it bestows on you, you will gradually eliminate the thoughts that don’t confirm it. Your mind won’t let you think just any old thing. That’s a superpower.


Although this seems like it would be a great choice for a superpower, being invisible is already possible. You have probably experienced it many times and just didn’t recognize it. An easy example is standing in any crowd waiting for service. Because you were currently invisible, someone else was waited on prior to you. It happens in homes frequently to children. I am pretty sure that I spent many years without my physical body having any form. For a long time, I just thought that I was being ignored because I didn’t count but in reality, I now know that I could not be seen. I realized in adulthood that once you knew your own presence, you wouldn’t just hang around any old place. That’s when you start to show up where it will benefit you. That will keep you away from most vices, casinos, dive bars and allow your feet to move quickly away from trouble. Your spidey-sense will let you know.

Coolest Superpower

Because it is impossible to know how to do everything ahead of the actual task, doubt comes up as fear when we see something new that looms large. If you have ever put together anything with an Allen wrench using directions written like a puzzle, you get it. No amount of groaning will ensure that the thing will hold together. The only act that works is actually doing the thing. Taking action is the answer to all doubt. As soon as your mind states its lack of knowledge, do something. As soon as the thought reappears, make another step. Desire must outlive doubt. The intention to keep going is the fuel to creating a new reality. There might be a few leftover screws rolling around in the box, but the doubt is gone. Persistent action appears to be the best superpower. The best part is the fact that no new clothes are required. Armor is very expensive to maintain and uncomfortable when driving.

What do you really want your superpower to be? What superpower are you using right this second? What do you desire?


Nancy Pyle is a Master Practitioner in NLP and a Master Certified Strategic Life Coach