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Program or Goal

January is the month associated with goals. Poor January has become the difficult month that has work attached to it. Even worse, trying to reach a goal has a low completion percentage attached to it. We chuckle about those who give up on their goals early in the calendar year. It is easily tracked to the number of days it will take. Perhaps Vegas should make some odds around goal reaching to prove the point. But goal creation is a different story. Humans make goals all day long and when they are reached, create new ones. These may be considered low level like a goal of exercising that day or not swearing out loud at the dumb stuff that happens in life. That one is harder than it seems. If the word goal has negativity attached to it, maybe it can just be rebranded as a cool program. We like the word program because we understand that there are steps inherent in programs. We rarely have to get to the end of one to have good feelings about it. It’s our personal standard.

Design your Program

Personal style gives us the chance to make our individual program interesting. To us. That’s really the only one who counts when you are considering life plans. Let me blow up the idea of a habit for you. Humans think that habits are only real if we complete them on a schedule. Emphasis is tied to the number of days of completion to create the standard. If a day is missed, the habit is broken, and thoughts are readjusted to just dropping the task. Habits must be very fragile. Bailing out is acceptable due to inconsistency. A program exists with the idea that it can be adapted to meet the needs of the user. Habits work the opposite way. They are bound to the repetition of them.

Program your Transformation

As we approach the end of the first month of transformation, it is likely that new thoughts are starting to form in your brain. When your beliefs endure questioning, they can be reformed. When you question experiences like habits, normal communication methods, understanding physicality or the method you use to resist or run from life, the jostling starts to help thoughts that have lost their usefulness start to wiggle out of place. Leaving gaps for new beliefs is optimal. There is no requirement for your mind to work 24/7. In fact, daydreaming and moments of quiet emptiness are more difficult to keep up than the constant buzz of worries, questions and comments that backtalk all day long. It’s easy to get tired from the endless demands of a chatty brain. Every individual body part deserves some decent rest.

Personality Program

Based on your own needs, wants and desires, pull together a plan. Consider how you want your day to start. If you know that you can wake up easily and get started and have the time to do so, decide what will fit that time period. If you feel that you want to get started earlier, put it into your plan and try it out for a week or so. If you miss a day, just move your plan to the next day without punishing yourself. Encouragement and understanding are required though. A positive program with good vibes will access your natural energy. Don’t work against yourself. Add to your program without creating an unmanageable number of things to do just so you feel like it is a worthy plan. If mornings are not the best time for you to create a program that includes multiple tasks, adjust the timing. Key to your program will be your decisions. You are programming yourself for success. Remain in touch with what feels good for you. Look at every part of your day as an opportunity to make it work efficiently and give you a feeling of accomplishment. After all, isn’t that what we wanted from all those goals? Big ideas take time to simmer. Keep breathing.

Your plan: What gives you a personal sense of wellness to begin the day? If you don’t focus on the finish, how does the actual doing feel? What is one thing that you know will put a smile on your face every morning?


Nancy Pyle is a Master Practitioner in NLP and a Master Certified Strategic Life Coach