NEXT Regret

Start small

Big regrets have their origin in little regrets. Regrets of all sizes can be such a waste of life. Things that start small are often overlooked or dismissed easily. That first little stain on the kitchen towel seems like something that will come out in the wash. The twentieth stain makes you want to discard the towel and start out fresh.

What’s the big deal?

A regret that doesn’t create much trouble can be forgotten, right? Well, maybe. Or maybe it just becomes part of the regret stew in your brain. That powerfully churning vat of memories you would like to forget stinks up the place now and then. Usually when we add another ingredient. The dish is in danger of overflowing if left to simmer.

Notice and decide

Actively deciding on whether to keep a regret forces me to face it. I cannot undo all my regrets. But I can learn to eliminate any chance of repeating them in the future. I may replace those with new regrets or I may really get behind the reason I am creating them in the first place and avoid future contact. This is not fun mind work but the examination allows me to stop and touch those feelings that were miscreated. Close observation helps me really not want to repeat them. They usually involve hurt on many sides.

Intention replaces possible regret

My life plan includes intentional creation. Since math and science rule the world, I want to solve for X early. With the exception of some surprises to keep me on my toes, I practice making intentions so I can think about possible results. I am intentionally trying to mine for gold at every opportunity. Looking back to see how this has affected my life has reinforced my desire to create even better intentions because they work. Guided thought has replaced previous scenarios that included too much chance. And somehow I make a better future.

Can you intentionally change one possibly troublesome scenario you will face? Morning intentions start the day off smoothly. What one morning change can you make by way of a new intention?


Nancy Pyle is a Master Practitioner in NLP and a Master Certified Strategic Life Coach