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Reset my place

In the delightful world of thoughts, it is possible to change everything. If I don’t like a thought or don’t feel that it is correct, I can change it in an instant. Magical. But I have to be able to access the wayback machine of my mind to undo those past thoughts. This gets a little trickier because those thoughts have enjoyed some life and may have become comfortable. Beliefs that have settled in may need the blasting crew to remove them. Once we know that a thought is out of place, it’s time to start the work.

The Past was not glorious

We think golden thoughts about some of the past. The others get moved to the absurdly defined folder that holds the tortured memories. Somewhere in between is the truth. The shiny ones give us hope and happiness. The dark ones remind us of how horrible our lives were at times. Either way, they can be extremely dramatic and prone to exaggeration in different directions. Recalling the bad can lead to pain. Maybe even unnecessary suffering. If we took them out of the locked box to examine them in order to spill some truth serum on them, that might work. Science may help eliminate the cruelest cuts. Dilution can help soften them and take away their brutal edges.

History book thoughts

The sparkly thoughts from our past are fun to deck out even more. They attract glitter and help it stick. We can revel in this kind of mind control because it provides happiness, right? It still might only be a viewmaster depiction but look how real it looks! In reality, it is a fun mind game to exalt our best days. Those sunshiny moments can make up for the stormy ones and give us hope that there was a good time or two back there. Somewhere, right?

You can’t live there

Whether you pass through or linger in the past thoughts, they might not be what you need to think about right now. They are terrific to have as reference but you don’t want to live there. You have already done that. Let them guide you back to what is really happening today. When you try on that thought, you see that right here, right now has all the possibilities of being an adventure. It is still shapeable, it is today’s playdoh. Knowing that, you can start all kind of memories creating the best now ever. There is nothing stopping you. You just have to think it so.

Can you let the past be the past? Thinking for right now has a lot of potential. What do you really want to think about? What is really possible?


Nancy Pyle is a Master Practitioner in NLP and a Master Certified Strategic Life Coach