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Restart your life

Lives can be built around accomplishments, careers, sports or relationships. Time can be spent building credibility and learning to advance on the goals road. If there are satisfactory returns in emotions, this feels good. Like it’s supposed to be this way. We are fairly easily encouraged on the surface as good humans. Being hard to get along with is not seen as a positive trait. When our performance earns rewards, this becomes a part of who we are. We are identified with specific regard to that which may not have been what we were aiming for. But it seems in poor form to reject what others might even envy. The division occurs when the person everyone else sees doesn’t match the character inside of you. We quietly question who we are. It is possible to grieve who you thought you wanted to really be. Eventually, a forlorn looking reflection might nudge you to flip over the tables. But it is scary starting over, right?

Restart the Process

Right after drastic shifts in life, there are two basic needs. One is to hold onto whatever came before and the other is to clumsily scramble toward new solutions. Sudden change feels like a thief. Even if in the back of your mind you wanted change, you aren’t in control and that is the scary scenario. That’s why it is normal to long for some security from the past. Thinking about connecting with something new creates different fears that can be accompanied by anger or sadness. We love our moods. Accepting anything forced on you is not predictably comfortable. It takes some getting used to. It takes discovering what might actually improve. It might even take letting go and sitting tight for a spell.

Remember your Part

Even if you get overwhelmed by an announced shift in life, you still have a say. When you can identify what you want, you can create it. There is no reason to think that life was meant to be the same from start to finish. No matter how securely you clasp onto what you think you like right now, something else is already on its way. Adaptability gives you the ability to recognize the difference between a challenge and an opportunity. You just have to change your viewpoint. Get curious about what you really want. This could actually be your chance to make the life you dreamed about. Rebuilding is supposed to be stronger. This is a time to remember past wishes and desires and find a way to make the life you really intended to enjoy. The beauty of this reinvention is the fact that others can’t really find fault without sounding churlish.

Resistance is Futile

It’s human nature to initially refuse to believe the end of any reality. But life is constantly changing and the power of resilience that is automatically given to us as humans can stop sitting idly by and get to work. As intimidating and scary as the unknown seems, the shifts in our lives are usually the times we gaze back on and understand their importance in our growth. Stepping into the unknown, even if you choose it, can feel like jumping out of a plane without a parachute. The main difference is that your willingness to try comes with everything you need to fly.

Do you think of fate as fickle? What would you choose to start over if you could choose the chance? What giant shift has occurred in your life that now seems like a good thing?


Nancy Pyle is a Master Practitioner in NLP and a Master Certified Strategic Life Coach