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Smile when your heart is weary

Let’s see what Develops

I was a serious kid. I know this because the only shared story I have ever heard is that I was a serious child. I suspect this means that I didn’t smile or laugh much but I have never asked for a definition of my serious nature either. Truthfully, I am a serious adult also. At times, we all are. But I would never be described as a person with sunshiny demeanor. Best of all, I am comfortable being this version of not sunshiny. Even in the few pictures taken in my youth, there are not a lot of big smiles. But when I take into account the level of equipment taking these photos, I get it. It wasn’t quite cowboy days with the sad faces of pioneers who couldn’t hold a smile long enough to expose the picture. But every kid knows what it is like to be forced to “say cheese” and smile on command. I was no pushover.

It’s all Fun and Games

Many types of fun do not include guffaw laughs and giant smiles. They are typically quieter games, but golfers don’t walk around in ecstasy until they know they performed better than everyone else or have an astonishing hole. Then they revert to their poker face. And speaking of poker, why would card players smile? But it is entirely possible to enjoy yourself and not have any outer indication. In fact, I think if I was riding my bike down the street right now past your house, you would not see a smile on my face. But I would be having a good time. Maybe it would be the wind in my face or moving faster than walking or maybe it would just be the fun of riding a bike. No laughing required.

Heartbreak smiles

There is a serious side to memories that includes tears and smiles. Looking back or discussing a memory with someone else may make you laugh and cry at the same time. Fun can be serious. Love can be that way also. Many brides and grooms look absolutely terrified in the middle of one of the best days of their lives. The same thing happens at wakes and funerals when the stories start. The one person who supplied all the good times might not be physically there, but I defy anyone not to feel their presence once the memories begin to appear. Humans can have fun even in despair. Sometimes, by the time the lawyers call the participants to sign the divorce papers enough time has gone by to admit the fact that the marriage wasn’t a failure. The union was a good time until the day it wasn’t. It is usually hard to pinpoint that moment, but there is room for a small smile for the experience.

The Fun House Mirror

Life is full of funhouse reflections. Distortions and oddly framed images of who we are shock and encourage us to move around to create even weirder versions of who we are in that moment. Humans like fun in so many forms that there is no telling what will make you giggle or feel a sly smile creep up on your face. Finding fun in the more serious parts of life leaves every window open without discounting the usual methods. I don’t mind being serious these days, but I also laugh more because I know what makes me giggle better. If you see me scrolling through some cat videos and wonder why I have that goofy look on my face you will understand better. I am serious about my fun.

How seriously do you take yourself and others? What makes you laugh? Do you have a great poker face?


Nancy Pyle is a Master Practitioner in NLP and a Master Certified Strategic Life Coach