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For Sale

We live in a world of material options. There is nothing wrong with that fact; it is just the way of the world. It is only when you attach a limiting thought to any luxury in life that you find a negative belief. There is no requirement to live like a monk unless you are a monk. It is perfectly fine to surround yourself with beautiful things that you can admire and be grateful for. There is no need to attach any guilt to that expensive set of headphones when you use them to enjoy your choice in music. If you are inclined to give assistance in some way to those who do not have the same access to material wealth as you it often creates a feeling inside of you that is priceless. That’s a pretty good deal both ways.

Past Bargains

Think about a gift that you felt a great desire for. In my teens, I wanted a particular ring for my birthday. I probably bugged my mother about it enough that it caused her to have to figure out how to find the $42 it was going to cost when she could have done something else with that money that would have served our family better. It was a pretty ring and I still have it. Yes, my mother gave into the pressure and bought me that ring. And I still don’t feel great about it. That’s a long time to hold onto a guilty thought but I have reworked it enough to remind me of an unusual act on my mom’s part. She was a very strong woman and generally followed her own course when possible. There must have been something she heard in my needy voice at that time. It probably was less about the ring and more about recognizing my want. No one really needs a ring.

Current Purchases

Look around you and check out what you have purchased. It tells a story about you. You have cultivated a tale that demonstrates the way you want to be seen. Status is generally easy to signal through our cars, clothes, choice of careers, schools and living arrangements. We work and save to have these financial and personality signposts. The important point is to understand what they give back to us. Even carefully chosen artwork responds with emotions. Check out your stuff; it is fun to try and decipher your message. And easy to change and evolve with it over time. For example, it is unlikely that you will sleep in the same bed throughout your life. Material possessions improve and it is nice to have nice things. No matter what your mother used to say.

Job for Sale

No matter where you toil, your work is for sale. Each company bargains with you and if you accept the deal, the transaction is completed. It is important for you to realize that while you may have some outstanding skills to bring to your employer, that is not the main reason they hired you. If you sparked enough interest through your resume, you got an interview. But how you showed up in that interview had less to do with what was on a piece of paper and more about how you sold yourself. Your nervousness, curiosity, ability to answer tiresome age-old interview questions brilliantly and smile appropriately were added to the something the interviewer sensed about you. Although loath to admit it, most HR professionals look for that special aspect you will bring to the company that no one else can. Your mission is to find your singular gift so that you can bring that special characteristic to the world. After all, people don’t just buy what you do. They buy why you do it.

What are you selling? Would you buy what you have to sell? List twenty gifts that you bring to the world. What can you do with them?


Nancy Pyle is a Master Practitioner in NLP and a Master Certified Strategic Life Coach