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Same as Before

It is actually impossible to be the same all the time. But if enough of life feels the same, the crusty edge of boredom might appear. Just gliding through time can create safe feelings that postpone change. When living life the same way gets comfortable, there may still be something bigger hiding underneath that will completely disrupt life. We resist digging down deep in case we hit something hard. Our minds protect us from harm whenever possible. Sameness acts as good armor. A nudge to that feeling of sameness is there to start a safe breakthrough. If an egg breaks from the inside, a baby chicken appears. If an egg is broken from the outside, it’s breakfast.

Same Habits

Habits can be very comforting. We depend on them to propel us so we don’t have to find fuel. I really like that aspect. Making one less decision provides room for thought about something else. But if habits start to feel stale, it is a brain message begging for change. It is a monumental skill for our minds to provide incentive. At times, just a difference in language instills a new feeling. Thinking of your daily routine as something you practice creates a new edge. Practice has a spiritual bend to it and gives depth to the repetition demanded by our great habits. It adds a layer of spirit to the core of a routine.

Familiar Same

It’s time to investigate something that is rewarded by being the same. Outside of our eternal interest in finding consistency in the taste of our favorite foods, familiarity breeds scorn. In business, the idea of staying the same closes down new thought and improvement. Holding back development results in participants looking for greener grass to stretch their limbs. Familiarity in regard to family members or partners makes our life easier but sure doesn’t bring a party. I know that I wouldn’t want my family to have to endure the familiarity of me at many times in my life. My need to be fully immersed in whatever was first in my attention would eventually cause anyone else to be bored. And it’s terribly selfish not to allow others to participate. I might miss something interesting that would motivate me to try something new to end my boredom.

Practice the Unfamiliar

Most of my best moments start with a pause and this would be a great time to use one. When I look for the opposite of a feeling, I often get solution options. Admittedly, I do not like to take the first option in any case. That is usually too easy and not well thought out. I like to dig a little and see what a unique option might be. The obvious doesn’t fit me well. Never did. I practice the search first to identify what comes next. Social media has made lots of our far-flung world very familiar. We feel closer to those we have access to online. It is a low rung of connection, but real familiarity is available in our immediate area. Maybe the obvious solution to moving the bar is looking for unfamiliarity nearby in order to discover other levels. Discovering real difference is rarely boring.

What familiar part of your life is stale? If you are familiar with yourself, what would you never change? Is it more fun to practice life or hug our habits?


Nancy Pyle is a Master Practitioner in NLP and a Master Certified Strategic Life Coach