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Silence is Pretty Loud

Silence is Not Solitude

The absence of sound is not empty. It is absolutely full of answers. Most often, silence is attached to some meaningful types of meditation. But there is no guarantee that sitting in silence with your legs crossed is going to insure your elevation to a higher level. You could just be thinking about what you need to buy at the grocery store. But, consider meditation in a form that matches your personality. There are no rules against adapting sitting silently in your own manner. If you can first consider the feeling desired at the end of the silence, it is much easier to tame the process.

Silence Screams

I favor guided meditations. They offer a different perspective and are lazily constructed to still get the job done. My meditative processes have taken many twists and turns as my needs changed in my lifetime, but they never not worked. I have even tested that theory by tapering down during some seasons. But I come back with more interest. The after effect was missing. If you ever wonder why meditation is mentioned so often in self-improvement, please stop wondering and just try it. Why would so many people lie about something so easy to skip? This is the kind of thing to check out personally, invest some time in and then discover any self-differences. No one else will ever be able to report on what you gained.

Solitude is a Solo Trip

Living in solitude should be required on a regular basis. The art of not engaging in the ever-moving world that swirls around us is the only way to silence life enough to sit with closed eyes, hands on hearts, breathing and settling the human system. The spirit eventually feels safe enough to come out and provide easy answers to the questions that keep popping up without a proper hearing. A measure of how well you know yourself is included in sitting still. The role of spirituality can rise to the top of the question list. Measuring your contribution to your own life is determined along with assessing connections and whether they are propelling you or holding you back. This is a balancing test and inside of you sits all the answers you spend time seeking in the noise.

Silence is Priceless

Often, we skip over activities that don’t pay us back monetarily. But counter-intuitively, the priceless stuff is acquired in silence and solitude. After all, there is nowhere to go and nothing to hear inside of you that hasn’t already been said previously. After hearing all the endless chatter, listening moves up the list. Hearing is just the act; listening is the skill. You may do a wonderful job listening to those you love. But can you remember the last real thing you said to yourself? Speak up a little, you are listening.

Activities: This is a challenge. Turn everything off for 5 minutes and sit with closed eyes, hands on hearts and breathe while counting down from ten. Do it again and again until you just can’t stand to do it one more time. You have finally reached the apex of silence. Run out of thoughts and start to let your mind rest.


Nancy Pyle is a Master Practitioner in NLP and a Master Certified Strategic Life Coach