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NEXT Silence

No lambs allowed

Repeat after me

With age often comes confidence. Even in speech. Being very shy in childhood, my late bloomer status created a bouquet of riches and the ability to speak in front of groups easily. Reverse processes often benefit those with patience. But that doesn’t always mean that my words mean more. In fact, with a fluidity of language comes the annoying habit of spouting off. Politicians are known for this talent. Stump speeches that are repeated over and over become meaningless to those who say them. The auto-pilot effect may work to let a crowd know the story, but the words may lack meaning. If there was a weekly moment of silence all over the world, new prevailing thoughts would grow up to fill the void. The simplest of pauses mean something. It seems incredible that the absence of speech could be elevated to such a high level. That thought isn’t taught in speech class. Too many would use it. Maybe too many might enjoy the break. It’s just a thought. But words can be chosen carefully.

If silence is prized, words can also be worth more. Let’s rate the next spoken sentence.

I can hear you

Option #1: Is what you are going to say true?

Options #2: Is what you are going to say necessary?

Option #3: Is what you are going to say kind?

That’s it. After you choose the option that best describes your next sentence, take a few minutes to describe why you chose that option and what action, if any, may come next.


Nancy Pyle is a Master Practitioner in NLP and a Master Certified Strategic Life Coach