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Can you see through walls?

Spirits vs Ghosts

Humans are spiritual beings in human form. Humans are special. Humans are miraculous. The complexity of humans should astound us. Maybe it’s good that we don’t stop to think about it because we might not be able to go on. Spirits seem like other-worldly wonderful versions and that is what often keeps us from accepting that we are a part of that world. Ghosts often scare us in movies and they have their own sanctioned holiday where everyone dresses up to appease them. It is doubtful that our spirits need special outfits since they are the defined us.

Spirits are Us

Thoughts that are difficult to accept are often filled with truth. It may be that we don’t want to think of ourselves as spirits so we can still hold onto our vices. Remember the goody-two-shoes kids that were the teacher’s pet? We resented them. They became persuasive salespeople and were able to float around effortlessly. They had vices but hid them. They could elevate goodness to a vice. But humans must be imperfect. It is a part of our humanity. Accepting that a human can be a spirit takes some mind-stretching but really isn’t all that farfetched. If you have experienced childbirth or seen an infant, there is no other explanation other than humans are a spiritual gift.

The Opposite of Spiritual

Counter-intuitively, spirit can also be described well through what it is not. The opposite of being a spiritual being might be easier to accept. We see flaws and think that they are exemptions to being spiritual. Spiritual does not mean perfect. In fact, that’s a whole other topic. Our human spirituality is on display as we encounter life and each other. Think of everyone you meet today as a spirit. Look into their eyes. You probably got the parts list that includes the reference to our eyes being the windows to our souls. It is true. Eyes change very little throughout life. Eyes have a dimension that humans can’t readily control. Eyes express our spirits. Without us even doing anything.

Spirits take Imagination

The biggest drawback to believing in something is not having the ability to see or feel it. Religious texts are chock full of reprimands to counter act using seeing in place of believing. And since we don’t really see inside of anyone, this should be much easier. Just trusting that something is true often tricks the brain into thinking parallel thoughts. There is no one who can dispute what is already perceived as real. As soon as the imagination is engaged, reality expands and spirit takes form. Think of what you think is true even if you can’t see it. Last month, transformation came through our hearts instead of our minds. Now, spirit can take over the project.

Consider: Where does spirit show up for you? Even though wind is not visible, do you still believe that it exists? What else doesn’t need to be seen in life?


Nancy Pyle is a Master Practitioner in NLP and a Master Certified Strategic Life Coach